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Create a life you love: Transform your career with life coaching

The Coaching Academy Blog

Posted: July 2024

Many people feel a disconnect between their current job and the life they truly desire. This is where the guidance of a skilled life coach can make all the difference.  This week's Coach in the Spotlight is Elvira P. Romero whose passion lies in helping individuals like you through career transitions. With a firm belief that everyone deserves to live their dream life, Elvira shares her own coaching journey and how she utilises the coaching skills and training gained on our Life Coaching Diplomas to help clients redesign their professional paths for a brighter, more satisfying future.

What has led you to coaching?

Reflecting back, I can say it has been a long life journey, but I’d say ultimately what led me to coaching was my passion and curiosity for personal development and my believe that we can all do anything we dream, that we all have more potential we think of, and that I wanted to use that potential to help others see theirs and create a life they love. A pivotal moment for me was that first coaching session where I realised I was doing exactly what I was meant to do.

Most people become a coach to change the lives of others…how has coaching benefited your own life?

There are many benefits for me, but the most important ones I think are that it has given me purpose and fulfilment because I am now doing something where I can help people and where I can use my strengths to do something meaningful. Also, since the beginning of the course, I went through a personal journey of awareness and transformation that has helped me move towards my best self.

How did you discover The Coaching Academy?

It was recommended to me. The thing that appealed to me the most was the vast amount of content it has. All the resources and different types of training you have to go through. I thought that if I was going to do this, I wanted to do it right and be as prepared as possible.

How did the qualification slot in with your day-to-day life?

I was really eager to get started with my new life, so I wanted to finish the Life Coaching Diploma within the year. The variety of dates and also the fact that you can plan your whole year of training in advance was super helpful for me. I’d add that going through the course I not only learned about coaching, but I also improved my time and project management skills which is great if you’re starting your own business.

What was the most rewarding part of your Coaching journey?

So many! Seeing the impact my coaching has on my clients and being part of their journey was and is amazing. Also, the friends and connections I’ve made through this process. And last but not least, going through the diploma, I embarked on a self-reflection journey that has been fascinating and invaluable.

What are the best resources that have helped you along your coach training journey?

The training sessions were incredible, there was not only learning and meeting new people who were on the same boat, but they were also a roller coaster of emotions. I always left feeling empowered. The mentoring sessions were great to have 1-1 conversations with someone who has been where you are and to get feedback and advice. Lastly, the community both on Facebook and Whatsapp was and still is a great support for me. It helped not only to go through the course but also to start my own business.

How are you using your coaching skills?

I use my skills to help people who are considering or going through a career change. I believe that we all deserve our dream lives, and that our careers are a big part of our lives, so I help people redesign their professional path to create the life they dream of.

Which coaching tool or question do you find particularly effective in facilitating self-discovery for clients?

The wheel of life is one of my favourite tools because you can use it in so many different areas but also because it gives you an overview of all areas of your life. All areas of our lives are connected and will have an impact on each other so looking at the whole view rather than just one area helps you be more self-aware and make informed decisions. My favourite questions are about beliefs (for example, What evidence do you have to support that?). It’s incredible how many things we assume are true and how little we challenge ourselves on our beliefs considering how much they impact our lives.

What types of feedback have you received from clients regarding the impact of your coaching on their personal or professional lives?

The best feedback I’ve gotten was someone thanking me because he was finally happy with his life thanks to the changes he made because of coaching. Additionally, people have said that my coaching has helped them to challenge themselves to embrace a more positive perception of themselves and their abilities. Recognise values and identify self-limiting beliefs. Get out of their comfort zones and manage their time and boundaries better.

What’s the biggest area in coaching you are curious about and why?

I am a curious person by nature, so there are plenty. However, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the one I am planning to learn more about in the near future. I find NLP fascinating. Additionally, understanding how our minds work and how we can use this knowledge to improve our lives is something I know can support me in helping my clients better.

What advice would you give someone wanting to pursue a coaching career?

Go for it! It is an amazing journey where you will learn not only how to help others but also learn about yourself. Everything you’ll learn throughout the Life Coaching Diploma course prepares you to become your best self and help others become theirs.


Thank you Elvira for sharing your inspirational journey with us!

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The Coaching Academy was established in 1999, and is now the world's largest coaching school.

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