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Federica Biagini: My worthwhile adventure

The Coaching Academy Blog

Posted: April 2019

This week, our wonderful coach, Federica Biagini from Germany recalled her exciting coaching adventure and how she found her calling as an empowerment coach. Federica also shared with us how coaching helped her to overcome her limiting beliefs and life obstacles to reach her goals. Federica is now building her coaching practice while utilising her coaching skills to support her team at work in her new capacity as a Head of Training & Development.

We hope you enjoy reading Federica’s exciting coaching journey.

What inspired you to become a coach?

As a Trainer and Quality Manager in 2014, I started hearing about Coaching and I was so fascinated that I asked the lady who was leading our workshops where I could study a similar certification. She said: "You will find plenty of institutes, but the best one is The Coaching Academy in London". This is how I decided to travel from good old Berlin all over to London to see what was in for me!

I am originally Italian and live in Germany - I definitely wanted to have a certification in UK which would allow me to practise all over the world and not only in Germany. I was also aware of the fact that coaching is a big thing in UK, so I wanted to acquire my knowledge there and bring it to places where demand for coaching is possibly growing. I was very excited to start this adventure - I knew it would be exciting and challenging at a time.

What was the most rewarding part of your training/journey?

The most rewarding part for me? To have completed my Diploma!

How did you fit coach training into your busy life?

Having to travel for business and commuting back and forth to UK in my free time, working hard during the week and studying and practising before and after work or at weekends, continuously struggling with a language that has never be my native one and where I often stretched myself to my very limits to use it effectively and to communicate with impact, especially during the live assessments. 

I used to say to myself: You wanted a challenge? Now you have one! And indeed, it was kind of a meta-experience to see that I had to coach myself a lot to overcome limiting beliefs. 

Where are you now? How are you using your coaching skills?

I'm using my coaching skills on different levels and while I'm building my own business to flourish, I support my team as a Head of Training & Development with coaching sessions. 

What is your coaching niche and why did you choose it?

My desired coaching niche would be "women empowerment" specifically for emerging countries: although I'm very passionate about the idea of dedicating myself to this topic, the most suitable dimension I can apply my coaching skills in Berlin are: Digital Transformation, Change Management and Neuro-leadership. This because it simply best matches with what potential clients are looking for in the local industry. 

What are your top tips for?

People who are looking to become qualified as a professional coach:

I think you should be clear that making this choice implies many moments of uncertainty and the more you have a clear vision of how it is going to look like when you are there, the more energy you will have in your tank for those not-so-inspired days. 

For those currently in training with TCA:

Also, please do your homework! It's really simple to keep track of what you have done, and it's really easy to lose track of what you have done. 

For coaches who are about to qualify: 

I feel you! The goal seems to be so near and so far at the same time... don't give up now! One last effort is needed. Also, it's really exciting to see the future coming and slowly taking form. This surely keeps you motivated!


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