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Feeling Worthless - By Dominique Ventura

The Coaching Academy Blog

Posted: September 2015

Many people in our ever increasingly material world focus their stability solely on a healthy bank balance... but what about our emotional well-being?

Many people in our ever increasingly material world focus their stability solely on a healthy bank balance... but what about our emotional well-being?

Perhaps after a divorce or break up with a loved one we may begin to feel and think thoughts we have not experienced before.

Often we can hide these newly felt feelings such as anxiety, depression, a lack of self-confidence/ motivation, worthlessness or rejection deep within us.

Perhaps along our path we may have also encountered people and ideas alien to our own ideals that have somehow influenced our well being. This negativity can so easily, if not dealt with, build and multiply within our consciousness to harm both our spirit and “joie de vivre.”

The trick is how we monitor these feelings and make sure they do not overwhelm us, and indeed take over our “Personal Driver’s Seat.”

Do we get back on track, or do we let this negativity take us deeper into the foreboding deep, dark well of depression? The answer to this can be by simply allowing ourselves to enjoy again the very basic pleasures of life. These could include a walk in your favourite place, sharing tea with your friends or taking time out just for you, helping you to find a new spark within again.

To gain equilibrium the help of a professional Coach is also an invaluable tool. Here you can find the help, love and understanding needed for you to gain control of your “Driving Seat” once more. Without emotional well being our physical health is certainly at risk, as the two have been proven to go hand in hand... we must balance both to address equilibrium of the trio... mind, body and spirit.

As the Cherokee Legend so eloquently tells us, most people at some time in their lives become aware of and fight the opposing “Two Wolves” they are feeling within themselves.

One “Wolf” deals in anger, envy, sorrow, grief, regret, arrogance, self pity, inferiority, resentment and total negativity, the other “Wolf” in joy, peace, hope, love, serenity, humility, generosity, compassion and all positivity.

When the young Indian Warrior asked the Cherokee Chief which Wolf would win... the Chief replied... "The one you choose to feed".

The moral is, of course that we must endeavour to feed the good “Wolf”, and starve the bad “Wolf” in order to overcome any lack of self confidence or feelings of worthlessness that we could harbour.

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