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Sales and Marketing Fundamentals

CPD Programme

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Feb 25th-27th, 2025
18:00 (UK Time)
28 Spaces left
Session Timings

This course is made up of 3 sessions, which must be attended in full.

  • Feb 25th, 2025 at 18:00 for 2 Hours, 0 Minutes
  • Feb 26th, 2025 at 18:00 for 2 Hours, 0 Minutes
  • Feb 27th, 2025 at 18:00 for 2 Hours, 0 Minutes
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Sales and Marketing Fundamentals

CPD Programme

Sales and Marketing Fundamentals

A practical and empowering session to help you to market, promote and grow your coaching business. This course will help you attract clients; boost your visibility, profile and profitability on a minimal, modest and manageable budget.

The session will help you gain a greater understanding of the fundamentals of marketing and your market-place, review, improve or fine-tune your current marketing and will help you develop a strategy a plan of action that's right for you.

This programme content includes: the essential 4Ps of marketing; understanding your potential clients needs; using your unique selling point/proposition; clear communication techniques and messaging; networking effectively; harnessing social media; and harnessing your contacts and clients for opportunities, referrals, testimonials and introductions. It will also help you explore other ways of raising your profile online, at events, speaking, writing and in person.

You will leave the session with:

  • More clarity of effective marketing / sales for coaches
  • Tips to boost your coaching business and attract and retain clients
  • Raised awareness of a clear, crisp, client-focused and compelling marketing
  • Insight into the mix of marketing activity that will help your business flourish
  • Able to review, improve, introduce your website, leaflets and business card
  • More focused of your personal / business brand and unique selling points
  • More targeted with your marketing activities and actions
  • With strategic plan of how to use your marketing materials and activities
  • More confidence and clarity around using social media
  • More skilled at networking effectively, nerve-free and strategically
  • With enhanced skills influencing and motivating contacts and potential clients
  • With tips and ideas for reaching and influencing your target audience
  • A plan of action for your marketing and business development.

This session is part of our Continual Professional Development (CPD) for Coaches Programme. This training is aimed towards those wishing to advance their coaching knowledge and therefore you will need to have previously engaged in foundational coach training.