An Opportunity To
We are firm believers that Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a fabulous qualification which can enhance so many areas of one’s life. From a personal standpoint, it can enhance communication and understanding within your relationships and your family, and from a professional standpoint, the uses are almost boundless, from leadership & management to recruitment & team retention. From sales & marketing to understanding what makes people act & react to certain situations and circumstances and so much more.
Oh, and by the way……Did you know that NLP is also the perfect partner to sit alongside a Life Coaching qualification too?
Well of course it is, because it is packed with immediately useable, powerful tools and strategies to help break down the barriers and possible limiting beliefs that could be holding your clients back from achieving their goals.
There are two options available to you, The NLP Diploma or The NLP Practitioner programme.
You can find out the difference between the two by clicking through below – but in a nutshell:
If you are you looking to add powerful NLP tools to your existing skills, there are now two points of entry available to you – The NLP Diploma & The NLP Practitioner.
This path will give you a strong NLP foundation and for many of our students, it delivers more than enough to be extremely useful to you in most walks of life and multiple environments. It delivers 30 hours of live, online interactive training and is accredited by INLPTA & TCA.
This path Will not only deliver a strong foundation for you, but it will also go on to help you build a deeper understanding of NLP by providing even more NLP tools and techniques. You will be guided you through their effective delivery in a way that is often described as both powerful and elegant.
The practitioner delivers 80 hours of live, online interactive training and is delivered in 3 parts. It is accredited by the ANLP & TCA.
The world of NLP awaits and is ready to go, all you need to do is consider you point of entry.
The NLP Diploma qualification consists of 30 hours of live ‘online interactive training.
read moreThe NLP Practitioner qualification consists of 80 hours of live ‘online interactive training
read moreIf you would like more information, if you have any questions, no matter how big or how small, or if you would like to know how to enrol, all you need to do is complete the expression of interest form below, select a time you would like to be called and we will do the rest.
Please note: by completing the form below you can avoid any call waiting and have your questions answered at a time to suit you.
Unsure about something? Looking for more details? Or ready to embark on your journey with us? Our Course Advisors are here to help! Fill out the form below and we'll gladly assist with all your queries and enrolment needs.