One of the most valuable things about The Diploma in Business Coaching is the knowledge gained from the trainers who each run their own businesses. It can add real credibility to know that you are learning how to build your
own business from coaches who have already done it and very successfully too.
The 'You and Your Business’ Accelerator Event begins with a session on coaching to support business vision and purpose. Unless you as a coach can align your work with the business owner’s vision for success, you will continually be at
odds and undermining the joint efforts you could be making. Ensuring your personal and professional goals are in line with your business vision and purpose is a key aim here.
You will go on to consider the role of the business owner’s (and therefore YOUR) personal brand and values in contributing to success. What does s/he as an individual stand for? What does that say about the business that could be of
benefit or to the detriment of it?
A key issue for many business owners is that of work/life balance. Your clients are often highly motivated individuals, prepared to work very hard for success, but these hard working clients are sometimes the ones with issues to resolve
around establishing a balance between home, work and family. Some business owners need help in seeing that their own understanding of a healthy workload might not be the same as that of their workforce. Crucially, business
owners may need help in recognising and being coached through periods of burnout, when all that work becomes just too much.
Finally the hot topic of time (or task) management is considered. Frequently a massive issue for business owners, you will learn to coach effective responses to pressing time demands. Covey’s ‘Important and Urgent diagnostic’ will help
you to guide your client towards the most effective use of time.
- You and Your Business
- Coaching to support business vision and purpose
- Goal setting in line with business purpose
- The role of the business owner’s personal brand and values
- Establishing a balance between home, work and family
- Coaching through burnout and stress
- Coaching effective responses to issues around time management
If you are an existing student and wish to book your place on this live online training, please refer to your online learning platform.