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The Coaching Academy Blog - 26 Feb 2025

Coaching new managers breaking free from Imposter Syndrome

In this week's blog, we’re diving into a challenge that many new managers face but might hesitate to talk about openly - Imposter Syndrome. Stepping into a new management role is a big milestone, yet it often comes with a wave of self-doubt and the daunting feeling of not being “good enough.” Fortunately, leadership coaching can be a powerful tool to help new managers break free from these limiting beliefs. Read on as Ange Watson, a Coaching Academy Graduate and Leadership Coach, share her tips for new managers and insight into the area of Leadership Coaching.

Coaching Theory & Insights

Stepping into a new management role can feel like standing on the edge of a cliff. You’re excited and full of potential, but the ground beneath you feels shaky, and the expectations of others weigh heavy on your shoulders.

Rewind back 20 years, and this was me. A young, eager finance professional who was promoted into management unexpectedly. I was suddenly responsible for heading up a small, experienced team of commercial analysts who were all a good few years older than me, and I was the newbie. My inner imposter went into overdrive. I told myself that I wasn’t capable of leading this team, I was too inexperienced to make any difference, and that the best thing to do was to just let the team get on with their jobs. I tried to stay as invisible as possible, even too worried to turn down the volume on the office radio a little bit when it got too noisy. I wanted to show some authority, some leadership, but I was completely lost.

Looking back, I’d like to give this version of myself a hug and tell her that everything would work out. She would find her feet.

The truth is, being a new manager isn’t just about learning new skills - it’s about facing uncertainty, stepping into discomfort, and having the courage to lead with vulnerability. As a Leadership Coach, I’ve seen how these challenges can be transformed into opportunities when new managers are given the space to reflect, lean into their strengths, and their own imperfection.

How can a manager’s Imposter Syndrome affect team performance?

In my experience, I’ve seen that how a manager feels about their perceived shortcomings can have a negative impact on the team as a whole:

  • Lack of confidence can lead a manager to second-guess their own decisions, and this uncertainty can trickle down to the team, making them unsure of their tasks and goals.
  • Managers who worry that they might be exposed as being inadequate may overcompensate by micromanaging their team, stifling creativity and driving demotivation.
  • The internal pressure to appear competent while feeling unsure can lead to high levels of stress for the manager, which can affect team morale.

Tips for new managers

  1. Focus on Your Strengths: Identify and lean into your core competencies and unique skills. Recognise the value you bring to your team and the organisation.
  2. Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a friend in a similar situation.
  3. Build a Support Network of Colleagues: Surround yourself with people you can share your experiences with, who will help you feel that you’re not on your own. Other managers and mentors can offer guidance and reassurance.
  4. Seek Feedback: Use constructive feedback as fuel for growth. Seek a balanced view of your performance across your team, peers, and senior leaders.
  5. Celebrate Your Achievements: Document your wins, positive feedback, and milestones. Looking back on where you started and comparing it to where you are now will be a great confidence boost!

How leadership coaching can help

Leadership Coaching offers a structured way to face imposter syndrome, helping managers to become more effective, confident leaders:

  • Coaching builds self-awareness: This helps managers to understand how their leadership style is influenced by any feelings of imposter syndrome. This recognition is the first step toward managing it.
  • Coaching encourages managers to identify their strengths and accomplishments: This helps them to build confidence, enabling them to trust their judgment when it comes to decision-making, place more trust in delegation, and foster a positive environment for the team.
  • Coaching provides a space for managers to speak about how stress is affecting them and offers tools to manage stress: This prevents burnout for the manager and sets a great example for the team.

All coaches recognise that their first client is the person they see in the mirror. Throughout my training, I often considered points in my past when I would have benefitted from coaching. I also looked back on what has shaped me throughout my life and wondered how my experience could benefit others. I’ve learned that my goal, as a Leadership Coach, is to sit alongside the people who feel like I did when I first became a manager and help them to navigate past that inner critic and move forward with confidence.

The role of a Leadership Coach is profoundly impactful, especially when working with new managers who may be grappling with imposter syndrome. It’s not just about guiding them through professional transitions – it’s about shaping confident leaders for tomorrow. By creating an environment where they feel supported and valued, you help them overcome self-doubt and tap into their full potential. Your belief in their abilities can inspire their own self-belief, breaking through imposter syndrome and fostering a ripple effect of confidence, positivity, and leadership excellence.  

About Author:  

Ange Watson is a Coaching Academy Graduate and Leadership Coach.  She works with managers, team leaders and supervisors to help them to identify their strengths and to work on the areas within management that they seek to improve, in order to make them more visible as successful future leaders. 

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