The Coaching Academy Blog - 17 Jan 2025

From Teacher to Coach: A Path of Self-Discovery

This week we are celebrating Coaching Academy graduate Phil Harper a teacher who has recently graduated with us.   Phil trained to become a coach alongside his role as a teacher, he is now embarking on setting up his own coaching business, Compassion Capital. Read on to find out more about his coaching journey and plans for the future.

Student Stories

A Path of Self-discovery

After the journey of qualification, I feel ready. I relish the challenge and adventure of working with people to create better outcomes and lifestyles that enrich their lives. I’m also intrigued about how much more I’ll learn about myself on this journey. At this stage of my career, I feel like I'm learning so much about myself as I meet with clients. The qualification process enabled me to set a path of self-discovery as much as developing a business.

From Teacher to Student

I had to organise myself through different challenges within our family or within my current career as a teacher. As a result of how the webinars, mentoring sessions, and peer-to-peer discussions are planned, I was able to plan for the sessions, the seminars, the research, and my paperwork alongside my career as a teacher. It helped that I was able to schedule a lot of the work in my holiday time - at half-term or during the summer holidays. I also have a supportive and encouraging partner who cheered me on.

I think the important thing is to ‘Know Your Why’!  Know why you are doing the course and to remind yourself of that purpose. I think it's helpful to be clear about this at the beginning as it will keep you motivated and focused.  It is obviously helpful to be organised and to think 3–6 months down the line as to what you need to do. I think most trainees would encourage anyone to make sure that they keep on top of the various tasks so that you don’t get caught out at the end.

So, if you are currently a student coach, I will add my encouragement to keep on top of your assessments and journal! The Support Team at The Coaching Academy are so helpful in getting you back on track. They are also there for all sorts of questions. It feels like they are cheering you on as well!

What's Next in My Journey?

As a newly qualified coach, I have aspirations and goals about where I plan to go. I have a clear strategy, and I have clear goals. I am aware that some doors will open, and some doors will close. I feel I can deal with those situations when they occur. However, I believe that I will transform and develop staff teams within businesses and organisations.

I have had many discussions with others about discovering and developing my niche. At this stage, I am reluctant to be labelled at this point, but I recognise that as I become more experienced and successful, a niche will become apparent.

Set Up to Make a Difference

Putting in place all the essential ingredients for success as a coach has increased my confidence as I embark on this career. Ensuring that I have a coach, a mentor, and supervision in place means that I can improve through each season. It has been incredibly useful in many areas of my personal and working life.

I have opportunities within the educational sector, the voluntary sector, and within family life to be someone that brings a coaching perspective. This has led to breakthroughs in many of the networks that I am part of. I know that I am set up for a successful career as a coach, but I'm also set up to make a difference in many aspects of life.

Thank you Phil for sharing your coaching journey with us and we wish you continued success!