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The Coaching Academy Blog - 16 Feb 2024
This week's Coach in the Spotlight is Amit Rawal. Since graduating from the Life Coaching Diploma, Amit is using his coaching skills in his role as an educator to coach students in class and embedding life coaching within the curriculum. As well as coaching within education, he also offers life coaching to those going through life/career transitions through his enterprise 1TakeMotivation.
I’ve always had a passion to help others through motivating them, so when I found out about life coaching, I was really interested. After attending the free Introduction to Life Coaching event back in September 2017, I was really intrigued with how coaching can be truly transformational and life changing.
I’ve benefitted from coaching in two ways. First, I have been able to set a series of tangible goals which has led me to where I am today. I have precisely discovered how I work at my best whilst overcoming my specific learning difficulties of dyslexia and dyspraxia. Second, I have been able to engage in more meaningful conversations with others through enhanced listening and communication skills.
I learnt about The Coaching Academy through an online sponsored post on Instagram. I was curious about attending the free Introduction to Life Coaching event. After completing the training event, I knew I wanted to do the Life Coaching Diploma.
I did the bulk of my coaching diploma alongside my full-time job. This meant working on my diploma at least once a week to keep the momentum going. However, I did recognise that I had to prioritise other commitments such as completing my PhD at the same time. Therefore, I was flexible with how much time I devoted.
I have to say working with other student coaches on the training days was not only fun, but a great opportunity to see how much you have learnt. Alongside this, helping clients through the practical assessments was also very rewarding. Through obtaining valuable feedback from the assessors, I was really happy to see how my coaching practice had improved.
My number one resource has to be the 101 questions booklet. Another valuable resource are the module workbooks that support the training and are filled with so many useful nuggets of advice, tips, and theoretical knowledge. Lastly, the range of videos on the online learning platform are really useful.
As an educator, I am currently coaching within education and using my life coaching skills to coach students in class. Furthermore, I am currently working on embedding life coaching within the curriculum. Besides this, as an entrepreneur I also offer life coaching through my enterprise, 1TakeMotivation. I specifically specialise with helping those going through life/career transitions, from young individuals, entrepreneurs, and those within the corporate field. I aim to make coaching more accessible to those who need it.
This is an interesting question. A particular effective set of questions involves asking my clients what they would say to themselves if they were sat on their rocking chair. Through taking your client way forward into their future self and asking them to retrospectively reflect on what they would have liked to achieve; you can be amazed by what they share.
Clients have found that through my coaching that they have made valuable transitions in their personal and professional lives. They have described my coaching approach as friendly, empowering, and enthusiastic. Clients have highlighted that I have prompted them to think from different perspectives, fuelled their creativity, feel heard, gain clarity, and become motivated and confident. One client has shared “having Amit as a coach has been an enlightening experience and he always goes the extra mile”.
The biggest area I am curious about in coaching is about how I can coach my clients to feel empowered whilst increasing their awareness. This is based on treating each client with unconditional positive regard which I find fascinating.
Coaching is an extremely versatile career that can lead to a number of opportunities. I would definitely encourage attending the free Introduction to Life Coaching event webinar by The Coaching Academy to find out more.
If you are feeling inspired and would you like to find out more about training to be a life coach or using coaching within the the education sector, then do join us on our Introduction to Life Coaching webinar - view our online coaching training events calendar to book your free place.
We run a number of free webinars from our Introduction to Life Coaching, to sessions covering coaching niches. The next of each of these webinars is displayed below.