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Supporting children, parents & teachers through coaching conversations

The Coaching Academy Blog

Posted: November 2023

This week's Coach in the Spotlight is Chloe Coburn! Chloe shares her journey from being a burnt out teacher who decided to leave the profession, to discovering fulfilment as a coach who supports young people, their parents and their teachers through coaching conversations. 

The decision to retrain as a coach happened very suddenly, it was a bit of a lightbulb moment. I had been listening to a friend talk about the impact coaching was having on her career and professional development. The conversation reminded me of my brief encounter I had had with coaching I0 years previously on a leadership training day. Although it was only a glimpse into the world of coaching, it had remained the most inspiring and rewarding training I’d ever had. This conversation with my friend put coaching back on my radar and this time I instantly knew I wanted to do something about it.

I was a teacher for 18 years and one thing I really liked was the sense of purpose and pride that came with the job, I had no doubt I was making a difference and that felt great. When I stopped teaching, I missed that sense of purpose and reward that came with the job. Coaching gives me a similar sense of fulfilment when I work in partnership with individuals and I notice the coaching conversation is having an impact. 

Upbeat & friendly community…. I never looked back!

Once I made the decision to retrain, I researched thoroughly the various courses available and organisations. I was blown away by the upbeat and friendly community of The Coaching Academy, they were approachable from the outset and professional. I also needed the flexibility to choose when and how I would complete the training. So I was sold on them and never looked back.

I had just changed country, language, culture and profession before embarking on this training and my daughter was 4. I had left teaching in London to run a B&B in an olive grove with my husband. I needed the flexibility, like I said, but I did fear working remotely could affect my commitment and I was worried I would feel isolated in the learning. However, this couldn’t have been further from the truth. Between receiving the training materials from The Coaching Academy with the Life Coaching Diploma paperwork and starting the first live online training day, I felt supported and involved and completely hooked. I was totally absorbed in the learning, inspired by the trainers, supported by the mentors and very soon the conversations with fellow students began as did the connections. The transparency and openness was incredible and I felt completely at ease.

If only the school environment had adopted a coaching approach

Reflecting back now, my highlight was the moment I decided to continue my training with The Coaching Academy and do the Coaching within Education Diploma. I had just completed the DISC Training with Sharon Lawton, and the term ‘actively disengaged’ was mentioned and it hit me that I had spent the last 4 years in my middle management role in a secondary school being exactly that ‘actively disengaged’, a term I had not come across before and would never have associated with my temperament. And I found myself thinking, (whilst having a swim in the sea at the time) if only the school environment had adopted a coaching approach in supporting their staff, I may not have felt so burnt out and unmotivated and may never have left the profession which I loved.... And there was my niche, still linked to young people but this time supporting them, their parents and their teachers through coaching conversations.

I fully intend to embrace and embark on this new career full time and give it my all and have set up my business Chloe Coburn Coaching. My values of curiosity, creativity, and compassion are what I bring to my coaching. These attributes make me listen better, understand better and communicate better.

The impact is enormous

What I love most about being a coach is being able to listen fully and give uninterrupted time to my clients. I enjoy encouraging them to be open and honest in order to grow in self awareness and to give the time to reflect and pause. Making small steps, finding new strategies and challenging old beliefs makes so much sense and the impact is enormous and long term, I just love it!

Finding my path, showing integrity in my decision making, committing to being a lifelong learner, this is what I get excited about now. And of course being a role model to my daughter.

My advice to anyone thinking about coaching and embarking on the learning with The Coaching Academy, just GO FOR IT and remember to ‘notice what you notice’ along the way as the learning journey is enormous and opens endless possibilities.

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Who we are

The Coaching Academy was established in 1999, and is now the world's largest coaching school.

In that time we have trained over 14,000 people to become life coaches.

We are accredited by the International Coach Federation and the Association for Coaching, and we're rated 4.8 out of 5 on Trustpilot.

Our next free Introduction to Life Coaching webinar

10th of January at 7:00pm
FREE Introduction to Life Coaching With Sharon Lawton Registration closes at 18:00.
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