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Coaching Toolkit: Unleashing the power of creativity in coaching

The Coaching Academy Blog

Posted: July 2023

At The Coaching Academy, we’re always looking for ways to continually support your development as coaches, which is why we’ve launched our new series, Coaching Toolkit! In our Coaching Toolkit articles, our expert training team will share their expertise and favourite tools to support your coaching. 

First up, we have Mike Blissett, who’s sharing with us the power of creativity in coaching. 

In the world of coaching, creativity is a game-changer. It's not just about being artistic or conjuring up wild ideas; it's about empowering clients to think beyond boundaries, explore uncharted territories, and discover innovative paths forward. By infusing your coaching toolkit with a touch of creativity, you can guide your clients towards overcoming obstacles, generating fresh ideas, and tapping into their limitless potential within a supportive, safe, and enjoyable environment.

Here are four types of creativity tools you can use in your coaching:

  1. Creative exercises and activities
  2. Role plays
  3. Metaphors and Props
  4. Visualisations and mental movies

In this article, I’ll explore these four tools further, demonstrating how you can add some creativity to your coaching. 

Creative exercises to inspire change

Picture this: a coaching session filled with creative exercises and activities that captivate and inspire. Imagine using a coaching question as a journal prompt, inviting your client to delve into their deepest aspirations and pen a letter from their future self. Through this imaginative exercise, your clients can vividly describe their transformed lives, the steps taken, and the invaluable lessons learned along the way. Such creative endeavours keep motivation high and engagement soaring, transforming coaching into an exhilarating journey of self-discovery.

Stepping into different shoes: The power of role play

Next, let's explore the power of role playing. Step out of the traditional coach/client conversation and into the realm of role play. Here, you can ask your client to take on the role of a director, guiding you as you portray another character in an upcoming interview or important meeting. This immersive experience allows your client to prepare meticulously, build confidence, and identify opportunities for growth and success. By embracing the power of role plays, your clients gain the freedom to explore diverse perspectives, foster self-reflection, and unlock their true potential.

Metaphors and props: Unlocking insights and perspectives

Metaphors and props weave yet another thread of creativity into the coaching tapestry. They serve as gateways to understanding complex ideas and appreciating different viewpoints. Consider employing a Rubik's Cube to unravel transferable skills, an elastic band to unravel the mysteries of motivation, or a book symbolising a new chapter in life or career. These tangible objects offer clients flexible frameworks that breathe life into their thoughts and aspirations. For an added touch of impact, if you can physically hold the prop during a video or face-to-face session, and it’s power amplifies exponentially.

Seeing success unfold: Visualisations and mental movies

Now, let's dive into the enchanting realm of visualisations and mental movies. Through these powerful tools, you can guide your clients to envision themselves achieving their goals with unwavering confidence. For instance, if your client is preparing for a marathon, job interview, or crucial presentation, invite them to craft a visualisation and narrate their triumphant journey. As you guide them with sensory-based coaching questions—what they see, hear, and feel—their confidence and self-belief take root, solidifying their conviction that they can manifest their desired outcome.

Resources for further exploration

By incorporating creativity and creative tools into your coaching toolkit, you can create an even more effective and engaging coaching experience for your clients. Remember, creativity is not just about being artistic – it's about finding new and innovative ways to help your clients think outside the box, achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

As you embark on this journey of coaching and creativity, may your coaching sessions become vibrant canvases where innovation thrives and transformation blooms.

Reading recommendations:

If you're eager to delve deeper into the world of creativity in coaching, consider these:

  • “The Art of Possibility" by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander
  • "Creative Confidence" by Tom Kelley and David Kelley
  • "Co-Active Coaching" by Henry Kimsey-House, Karen Kimsey-House, Phillip Sandahl, and Laura Whitworth
  • "Metaphors in Mind: Transformation Through Symbolic Modelling" by James Lawley and Penny Tompkins

Mike Blissett qualified as a coach with The Coaching Academy in 2003. He’s a successful presentation skills coach and trainer, and has been on the TCA training team since 2007. Mike loves pizza, Abba and Arsenal FC (not always in that order) and lives in London.


If you would like to hear more from Mike about the world of coaching and NLP, he will be hosting a number of our upcoming webinars - you can view upcoming training webinar dates here.

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