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7 tips for maintaining motivation

The Coaching Academy Blog

Posted: May 2023

Have you ever set yourself a big goal or set off following a dream and even though it’s something you really want, life just keeps getting in the way? Then you may find today’s blog just what you need! 

Coaching Academy Student, Ruth Webster, has written us a blog about maintaining motivation if times arrive when you, or your coaching clients, find life just keeps throwing obstacles in the way.


You set the date!

Your tummy is filled with butterflies of excitement.

This is it!

It's what you were destined to do and now it's only a matter of time before success comes knocking. But then sometimes, the unpredictability of life unfolds and suddenly the crystal-clear pathway may not seem as clear anymore…if so, what can you do to maintain your motivation?

I love to set goals.  

I love a challenge.

Stepping into the unknown of a brand-new adventure fuelled by that endless supply of unstoppable motivation and belief fills me with joy and back in 2019, I set off on one of those adventures to become a Life Coach.   The last four years have brought many tests my way and there were times when I felt like giving up, but I didn't!  

Today I want to share with you my 7 Top tips for maintaining motivation and staying motivated and on track with your goals:

1. Motivation won't always just be there, so remember your ‘Why’       

Something that I’ve said to myself over the years when I’ve felt motivation waning is: “Sometimes you need to jump-start a reaction by taking action.”  If you can't remember why you started on this pathway then maybe a little reflection time and remembering ‘Why’ you started would help.


2. Be realistic!       

Overwhelm can ground even the most willing of minds. Set achievable goals/targets or challenges. Work within your stretch zone (ie where you feel challenged, but excited!) and pay attention to how you are feeling as you progress.


3. Don't be afraid to ask for help        

Yes, it is your dream but there are no rules in the motivation handbook that say you need to fly solo. Nobody will ever have the same passion for something that is your personal vision but when you have the right people around you then you can move mountains.


4. Rewind!       

Slow down and rewind a little. Taking your foot off the gas pedal for even a short while can ease the pressure - maybe go for a walk, meet with a friend, listen to your favourite music...


5. Go back to basics       

Make a list of what needs to be done and then find something on that list that would be fun or even easy to do. For example, for me, it was having a refresher of my introductory training and reminding myself how I felt when I attended the free Introduction to Life Coaching event and realised that coaching was so right for me!


6. Take a coaching approach       

 Take some time to ask yourself a few simple coaching-style questions:-        

  • What will your life look like 6 months from now if you do nothing?
  • What is it that's most important for you to do next?
  • What do you need most right now?


7. Begin with the end in mind!           

Close your eyes. Take a few slow steady breaths and picture what it was that you originally set out to achieve:

  • What does it look like?
  • How does it feel?
  • What sounds do you hear?
  • What are others saying to you?


Things to remember…

Maintaining motivation takes practice. Just like anything worthwhile, it takes patience, consistency and understanding.

Accepting that you naturally won't always feel fired up is maybe the very first thing that we need to understand.

One of my favourite quotes from the inspiring Mr Michael J Fox is: “If it's to be then it's up to me”.

So, if you’re finding yourself struggling with motivation, just remember:

You can do this!

You can do anything!

I believe in you!

Never stop believing in yourself...

If you feel inspired by Ruth’s journey, why not join us for our free Introduction to Life Coaching webinar and see if life coaching could be for you too?


Ruth Webster is one of The Coaching Academy’s current students who spent the last 17 years running her own business teaching people of all ages how to drive, but her heart now firmly lies within the coaching world.  She is near the end of her coaching studies and her chosen niche will be around Mental Health & Wellbeing, and she feels honoured to be a part of her clients’ unique journeys.


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The Coaching Academy was established in 1999, and is now the world's largest coaching school.

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We are accredited by the International Coach Federation and the Association for Coaching, and we're rated 4.8 out of 5 on Trustpilot.

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