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The belief factor: How your beliefs impact your goal setting

The Coaching Academy Blog

Posted: May 2023

We asked Pam Lidford, one of the core trainers on the Professional Life Coaching Diploma and specialist in the area of working with beliefs in coaching to share with us how to raise awareness of how beliefs can affect the goal-setting process.

This is what she told us….

As coaches, we understand that a belief is something that we accept as true and don’t question. Beliefs can take us to where we want to go, or they can slow us down or keep us stuck.

So let me ask you a question about your beliefs about life: do you see life as an opportunity or something to get through?

If you see life as an opportunity then I believe that goal setting needs to be part of your monthly, weekly, or even daily practice.

Let me ask you another question, what do you think when you hear the word goals? 

  • It’s about sport?
  • Football?
  • Achievements?
  • Outlandish dreams?

And what does the actual word ‘goal’ do for you, what are your beliefs around it?  

  • Is it a feel-good word like it is for me?
  • Is it a positive word?
  • Or does it turn you off, make you think of hard work, seems like more effort than it is worth?
  • Or only for highflyers?

Stop for a moment and notice how that word causes you to feel.

You see, no matter what the dictionary says a word means we all have our own personal, unconscious take on how a word causes us feel; good, indifferent or bad. Words carry energy based on our past experiences, unconscious decisions, and beliefs.

So, if you don’t like the word goal, pick a more positive one that motivates you, like intention, purpose, outcome, target, dream, magic or something else.  

Get the idea? Pick one now and write it down.

In my experience of being a professional coach, most people know what they don’t want, but they don’t know what they do want!

If you don’t like the word goal, or if you’re not clear about what you want, you might not ever get around to setting a goal, confidence or otherwise. Which could mean you might miss incredible opportunities that could result in you living a life stuck in your comfort zone, fed up, maybe even miserable. Perhaps moaning and blaming others for how awful or unfair life is, lacking confidence, living with regret, or wishing your life could be better or different. 

As humans, setting goals is woven into the fabric of our very being. We yearn for novelty, adventure, and growth, while also seeking stability, security, and comfort. It's easy to lose sight of the fact that setting well-aligned goals can provide the excitement we crave while still maintaining the balance we require.

In other words, a goal doesn’t have to rock our world or frighten us so much that we keep putting it off. It can simply be a small step in the right direction that moves us towards something bigger than who we see ourselves as being right now.  And I believe it always starts with a dream!

To quote Wayne Dyer: “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

So, here is my simple 7-step-by-step guide to help you effectively set your goals and ensure they align with your beliefs:

  1. Start by making a list of everything you want in life, and what you don't want. This will help you get a clear idea of what you truly desire.
  2. Turn your negative "don't wants" into positive "do wants" to create a positive mindset.
  3. Prioritise your top 10 goals and choose one to focus on first.
  4. Determine if this goal is something you truly want or just something you think you should have.
  5. Score yourself on a scale of 1-10 on where you currently stand in relation to your goal.
  6. Set a specific and measurable goal based on what you need to do to achieve a higher score on the scale. Make sure this goal aligns with your values and beliefs and that you have a strong belief in yourself to achieve it.
  7. Break down the steps needed to achieve your goal and take consistent daily action towards making your dreams a reality.

The future is yours to shape, and it all begins with your beliefs around your goals and how you approach goal setting. So, let us embrace the power of goal setting, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement. Let us inspire and empower ourselves and our clients to set ambitious, yet realistic goals, and strive towards achieving them with unwavering determination. 

Together, let us create a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Check out our downloadable “Action Learning Sheet” for more information.  


Suggested Further Reading:

  • Start Now. Get Perfect Later - Rob Moore
  • Habits for Success: How to change your life one step at a time - Daniel Walter


Pam Lidford is a Coaching Academy Trainer, Coach and Communication Facilitator. She loves working with people who want to change the way they see their life and inner world. She particularly enjoys working with belief systems and values, both of which are the driving force behind choices, motivation and taking action. She has extensive experience in both private and public sectors in-house as well as freelance in the role of coach/trainer/consultant and tutor. She trains thousands of people each year in personal development and many go on to becoming professional coaches. Additionally, Pam coaches, mentors, and supervises coaches on a regular basis.


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