The Coaching Academy Blog - 10 Jan 2023

Anything is possible in 2023!

It’s the start of a brand-new year, and as life coaches and coaching students, we often find ourselves zipping into the new year and setting goals. Being future-focused is an admirable quality, but sometimes we should allow ourselves time to sit in the moment and take stock of our progress before turning our attention to the next goal. This is something I do with my clients and something I do for myself, ensuring sufficient time is set aside to review the previous year before I consider the next one.

Training with Us

At The Coaching Academy, we looked back on 2022 with immense pride at the students we have trained, mentored, and supported through to their ultimate graduation. Another group of high-calibre coaches are ready to make a positive impact just when our country needs it most. That said, whilst we knew we wanted to replicate the success of 2022, the foundations for a successful 2023 needed to be brought into focus to ensure we were well-prepared to deliver another year of both pride and productivity. New qualifications, new accreditations and preparations made for the unveiling of our closely guarded new ventures have been designed to stimulate the senses and stir the minds of both students and graduates alike. 

Now twenty-four years in the making, The Coaching Academy remains dedicated to continuing its growth and development for the future. This newsletter will be the conduit for communicating your future opportunities and possibilities as well as doing the legwork for you by seeking out the vital information from the world of coaching to keep you up-to-date and well-informed.

From a personal perspective, when I look to 2023, I know that anything is possible. I have firmly held this belief for many years. Time and again, it is proven to me, both in my own life and the inspirational lives of those I encounter through my work with The Coaching Academy and as a literary agent.

Every year I have the great pleasure of helping publish many books by inspiring authors. This year, nine-year-old Betsy Griffin’s book, Be More Betsy, published by HarperCollins is the one that has reconfirmed to me that anything is possible. At age two, Betsy was diagnosed with a rare inoperable brain tumour and sadly lost her sight. I have never met anyone who lights up a room quite like Betsy. Her sheer joy and love of life touches everything she does, and nothing ever holds her back from living life to the fullest. She is a daily inspiration to me that our perspective often alters the outcome.

If you are looking to 2023 and wondering what to focus on or are struggling with motivation (as we all do at times), then I find a helpful way to address this is by using the ‘If only I’d. . .’ approach. Instead of looking to the next days or weeks, project yourself further into the future to this day in January 2024. How would it feel if you were in exactly the same place this time next year? 

There might be some regret that you didn’t make more of those 365 days. You might even slip into saying:

- ‘If only I’d stuck with my exercise regime. . .’ 

- ‘If only I’d applied myself and followed through. . .’ 

- ‘If only I’d tried to learn something new. . .’  

- ‘If only I’d spent more time with family & friends….’

The ‘If only I’d. . .’ approach is one that always motivates me to take the first steps to tackle a goal. I know from my own experience of letting a fear of public speaking hold me back that a year of regret is a wasted one.

So, if you are struggling to take those first steps this year, sit down and answer two questions:

 1. What don’t you want as an ‘If only I’d. . . ‘ regret next year?

 2. How would it feel if you were in exactly the same place this time next year?

The first answer should show you what to focus on in the coming year, and the second provides the motivation to complete it. Write the answers down and pin them somewhere you will always see them, so there is no hiding from them – keep them in sight and in mind. Next, tell everyone who will listen what you are focusing on, create some accountability and celebrate the milestones along the way. 

Finally, set a reminder for exactly a year today. Remind yourself of the ‘If only I’d. . .’ sentence you never wanted to hear that year.  Hopefully, it will bring a smile when you next read it.

We wish you success in 2023!

Bev & The Coaching Academy Team

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