The Coaching Academy Blog - 10 Jun 2022

Coaching In A VUCA World

The pandemic truly gave us a whole spectrum of challenges.  Some businesses thrived (I wish I’d had shares in Zoom!), while others have collapsed under the pressure of having to adapt to a very different customer environment. Then…just as we appear to be managing one situation, another crisis begins.

Although it may sound like something extra-terrestrial, the term VUCA describes the world we inhabit today!  One that is…Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous…where we, and those we coach, are having to deal with relentless change, which can be difficult to predict, challenging to manage and sometimes lead to physical, mental and emotional overwhelm.  

So, how have you dealt with the changes that have been imposed or thrust upon you?  

Have you embraced the situation and looked for opportunities, or did you feel completely out of control and in a constant state of anxiety about the pandemic’s impact on your life and what might happen next?  

You’re a coach, so you know the power of positivity, purpose and persistence.  However, even the most, upbeat, driven and goal-oriented people have down days, where they feel a little hopeless and lost.  I know I have.  There’s no doubt life can be demanding, so how can you survive, or better still, learn to thrive in a VUCA world?  What if you had Vision, Understanding, Clarity and Agility instead?  

Here’s my tips for using Bob Johanson’s more positive version of VUCA to help you, and those you coach, capitalise on your strengths and regain some life balance: -

1. VISION – If you have a vision of your future, you have something to aim for and can plan a route map towards your goals.  Look back and learn from mistakes of the past, consider how that might influence your goals and strategy and make the necessary adjustments in the actions you take in the present.  Success is a habit, resulting from consistent daily action towards what you want, whilst being mindful of what you don’t.

2. UNDERSTANDING – Take a good long look in the metaphorical mirror and be honest about your strengths and shortcomings.  Be interested in others and receptive to building relationships with a diverse range of people, even those who may not share your opinions.  Step outside your comfort zone, ask yourself challenging questions and accept feedback, even when it may be unpalatable.

3. CLARITY – Once you have a vision of your future and a better understanding of how you and your significant others contribute, the picture becomes clearer.  This clarity provides you with insight into what you can be held accountable for, and who you need to influence, so you can identify the small daily actions that will get you closer to being, doing and having the outcomes you want.

4. AGILITY – In the words of Alvin Toffler, this is about being able to …learn, unlearn and relearn.  To be, inflow and able to adapt and respond appropriately to the constant changes and demands placed upon you every day. To be agile you must adopt what Carol Dweck calls, a Growth Mindset and be willing to fail, learn from those failings and start again with renewed energy, enthusiasm and an adapted approach.  

Keeping Things In Perspective Thinking you can control everything, leads to unhealthy relationships, frustration and fatigue.  Attitude is everything and balance requires perspective.   The fact is you really are only in control of 3 things:- 1. What you think 2. How you feel  3. How you behave  

That’s it!  On the surface, it looks easy, but as you know it’s not quite as simple as it might first appear.  Often the gaps between think, feel and do are so small that your responses become triggered easily, making you quick to judge, anger and react.  

Life is full of challenging situations; that’s often what makes it interesting.  Walking your talk and focusing on things you can control, will allow you to cope more effectively with the demands around you and avoid burnout – as well as positively influence your clients.

It’s a daily practice and doesn’t happen overnight, but it is worth the effort.

Jacky Leonard is one of our inspirational trainers on our Small Business Diploma who has over 25 years’ experience as a facilitator, coach and manager.  She has acted as a trouble-shooter for underperforming contracts, helping organisations reduce customer attrition, improve internal and external customer satisfaction ratings and increase profits.

Described as a consummate professional and charismatic trainer, she believes learning has more impact if it is person-centred, outcome-driven and fun (with serious intent).

Her philosophy is all about putting people first, believing organisations can do well by doing good.

If you are feeling inspired and would you like to have a coaching business you can run from the comfort of your own home, then do join us on our Introduction to Life Coaching webinar - choose from available dates here.  

Are you already qualified as a coach? Our wide range of coaching training events, webinars and courses will enable you to upskill in your career or grow your coaching business – you can see the booking calendar here.

Explore our free introduction webinars

We run a number of free webinars from our Introduction to Life Coaching, to sessions covering coaching niches. The next of each of these webinars is displayed below.