The Coaching Academy Blog - 11 Feb 2022

6 Benefits of Working from Home

Have you discovered that you really enjoy the flexibility that comes with working from home and think that you’d love the option to continue? Or maybe you’re just fed up with the career that you’re in and would love the option of creating a new exciting and rewarding career working from home?

‘Most British workers (57%) want to be able to work from home after the pandemic. This figure is made up of 37% who say they want to work from home some of the time, and 20% saying they want to work from home full time.’ - Matthew Smith, Head of Data Journalism 

Here are some advantages of working from home as a coach:

Zero travel

Being able to ditch the commute to work and back leaves much more time to do those things you’ve always meaning to start like a morning yoga session, daily meditation or walking your dog in the countryside. 

Flexible income

When you become a coach with your own business, you can create your own business model and can decide the days/ hours you work, what your focus in this time will be (for example 1-1, group coaching, passive income streams, courses) and then set your charges depending on your goals.

Full time or part-time

The options here are even more flexible than if you worked for an employer part-time. Part-time contracts can tend to have a set number of hours, but as a coach you have the option to choose how many hours you want to work and when you want to work them. 

The time difference with clients in other countries also means that you have more flexibility on when you want to work depending on where you target your marketing.

Minimal costs

With a product-based business (one that sells items) or a bricks and mortar business, such as a shop or restaurant, there are a lot of set up ongoing costs.

As a coach you can get started with minimal outlay and as you progress in your coaching practice you can still look to keep costs at a level that suit your business aims.

Fitting around your new way of life

Many people saw their way of life change a great deal because of the impact of the pandemic. You might have had new responsibilities for caring for others that you were not expecting, such as children needing help with home-schooling.

You might have chosen new responsibilities, such as bringing home a cute bundle of fur, your new four-legged best friend.

Health challenges or care needs (your own or needing to support others through theirs) might mean you need new work options. 

Your most important relationships might have changed too, in either negative or positive ways and this could also lead to you considering new ways of working.

You can fit coaching around your life even with changes like these.

Some people also find additional benefits such as:

No office politics – There's a tiny chance that you may have someone at work that’s difficult to get on with and maybe, just maybe, sometimes office politics can make things a bit stressful. The great thing about coaching is that you choose who you work with on a client-by-client basis. 

No staff to manage – Some of our students do go on to have staff to manage. The success of a coaching business might for example mean having a virtual assistant or even one day a video production and social media team. 

But you don’t need ANY of this as a coach if you don’t want to. You get to have the kind of business that you want to have.

Not being managed – For many this is a key reason why they choose to become a life coach. The freedom and autonomy that becoming a coach brings means that you have the win-win situation of working on your own goals and enhancing your own personal development while helping others to do the same. You get to be your own boss.

Make a huge difference to others

It’s a huge privilege to be able to help someone towards their goals and see the progress they’re making. Imagine ending your day knowing the positive impact you’ve been able to make as a coach!

If you have reasons why you’d love working from home and you’re interested in exploring how you could do so as a certified professional life coach you can join us on our free 2-hour Introduction to Life Coaching webinar