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How small steps can make a big difference.

The Coaching Academy Blog

Posted: February 2022

 “Success will never be a big step in the future, success is a small step taken just now’’  Jonatan Mårtensson    

The small steps you take in life have the potential to make a huge difference in the direction your life takes.

As you will know from your observation of others over time, so many people wish for a better life, talk about having a better future and wonder why things are not happening for them. Very often the difference is in the willingness, desire or sometime the bravery to take action or to put it another way, take a step.

Coaching Academy CEO Bev James once said “I have found that success leaves clues – success favours the action orientated”

Procrastination can often lead to missing out on your goals, missing out on your ambitions missing out on the life you want to lead. 

Having said that, for some people taking steps and moving forward is easy, whereas for others, it can be a fearful time to the point of being overwhelming which can lead to inaction/procrastination.

How do you overcome this fear, what strategies can you employ to achieve your hearts desires?

Desmond Tutu once wisely said that “there is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time.” Whilst he was not promoting an elephant buffet, he was suggesting that even a seemingly gargantuan task can be accomplished by gradually taking on a little at a time……..small steps or bites. 

Many of you will recall times in your past or even your recent past, where you have taken action and things have worked out and other times when they have not – both are valuable experiences.  experiences. NLP practitioners put it another way “there is no failure, only feedback.”

The best thing to do, without overthinking or procrastinating to the point of missing out, is to seek out information, enough to make you feel more comfortable about making your decision, to take your first step no matter how big or how small.

Here are some ideas to reflect on the power of small decisions…

Reflecting on times when we have taken a first step can give you the momentum you need to start something new.     

When have small steps lead to positive changes in your life? 

  • Can you think of some life skills that you learnt step-by-step?
  • Which relationships in your life developed step-by-step?
  • Have you ever taken a course that took your life in a new direction?
  • Have you ever read a book or article that changed your view on something?
  • What do you find easy to do now that was difficult when you started?
  • Have you ever made a career decision that took you in a new direction?
  • Where did saying ‘yes’ take you in a better direction?
  • When did taking a chance turn out to be an exciting adventure?
  • Was there ever some small thing that someone said to you that had a significant impact in your life?

Many people when they are confused about a way forward, seek the help of a professional life coach to help them unravel confusion and find a light at the end of the tunnel. 

Within The Coaching Academy the feeling of helping people achieve their life’s ambitions is well known to us and we have been privileged to teach others how to experience the same. Through our coach training programmes. We share how you can make a full or part time career out of making a positive and lasting difference to others. 

So, if you are considering life coaching in any way, as a client or as a coach, you can take a first step without obligation by attending one of our free “Introduction to life coaching’ webinars. This will help you make an informed decision as to whether life coaching is for you.

Remember, you haven’t got to be good to get started but you have to get started to be good.

Join us for a free 2-hour Introduction to Life Coaching webinar and learn more about coaching as a career.

It’s the first small step to something that could change for the better, your life or the lives of others forever.

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The Coaching Academy was established in 1999, and is now the world's largest coaching school.

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We are accredited by the International Coach Federation and the Association for Coaching, and we're rated 4.8 out of 5 on Trustpilot.

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2nd of January at 6:00pm
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