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The Coaching Academy Blog - 18 Feb 2022
Imagine this: you wake up tomorrow morning and something feels different – you feel alert, energised and your mind is sharp and focused.
You can achieve anything you set your heart on.
There is no inner critic telling you that you can’t do it.
Procrastination is a thing of the past.
Where there was fear there is a new indestructible confidence.
You even look different – your posture, expression and general demeanour show people that you are in control of your destiny. You have a quiet, inner confidence that feels good to be around.
What would your life look like? What would you attempt with this new level of confidence and clarity? How would people respond to you? What could you achieve?
I know many bright and resourceful people who only achieve a fraction of what they’re capable of. How much of our potential goes unutilised on a daily basis? How would life be different if we stepped forward to claim the life we were born to live?
Sometimes we do feel on top of the world. But we’re also human, with a complex mix of emotions that potentially derail positive behaviours and that limit our chances of success. A simple negative comment, critique or setback and we can go from feeling invincible to vulnerable in an instant.
But it is possible to live a life without limits, where every minute of every day you have the drive, determination and focus to get things done. Where you are granted inner peace and feel comfortable in your own skin; where the opinions of critics bounce off you like a bullet on a steel vest, and you turn setbacks into comebacks without a dent in your pride or confidence.
This confidence comes through awareness of your limiting beliefs – the voice in your head who says you can’t do something because you’re not clever enough, too old, too young or don’t deserve it. Coaching holds a mirror up and asks, ‘What is the evidence for this belief?’, and ‘How does this belief help me?’ Once we become aware of these limiting beliefs and where they come from, we can see them for what they really are: a story we have told ourselves for years, not the reality of our present lives.
If we can break these chains, we will become more confident. No one will feel like that every minute of every day, but we can increase the amount of time and number of days in which we do more and achieve more than we ever dreamed of because we have allowed ourselves to. The possibilities open up to us because the barriers we had built start to come down.
Helping people to live their best life and reach their full potential is a personal passion of mine. I didn’t know it could be a career until I trained to be a life coach with The Coaching Academy in 2007. Little did I know that I would end up owning the company, but that’s a story for another time…
Imagine a career where you help people live their best life – knowing the right questions to unlock a limiting belief and propel a person forward with renewed confidence and personal power.
That’s what life coaches do every day. So what’s stopping you?
Join us for our Introduction to Life Coaching webinar and learn more about coaching as a career - choose from available dates here.
It’s the first small step to something that could change your life, or the lives of others, for better…for forever.
We run a number of free webinars from our Introduction to Life Coaching, to sessions covering coaching niches. The next of each of these webinars is displayed below.