The Coaching Academy Blog - 01 Sep 2021

What is Addictive Behaviour coaching?

Are you curious as to why people form destructive habits? Do you want to empower change in your clients or patients? Do you want this change to be powerful and long-lasting? Keep reading this blog to find out exactly what Addictive Behaviour Coaching is and how you can add this skillset to your professional repertoire.

What are addictive behaviours?

The modern world, and certainly the post-covid world, can be a stressful and anxiety-inducing place. To deal with these stresses, many people resort to negative and harmful habits.

Addictive behaviour can be any part of a person's life that they are struggling to control or manage. These habits may be traditional addictions, like alcohol or technology additions, or they may be related to addictive thoughts, such as self-esteem issues.

These behaviours can include, but are not limited to:

· Work or success addition

· Technology/phone addiction

· Parental pressures

· Grey-area drinking

· Low self-worth

· Problematic relationships

· Coping with impactful life experiences

What is the Addictive Behaviours Coaching Programme?

This course will give you the skills and tools to make a remarkable difference in people's lives. The programme will help provide a new set of skills to healthcare practitioners, coaches, or anyone working with people to help support their clients to achieve success.

The programme, which runs fully online, is composed of 4 webinars and 2 online mentoring sessions. The programme is delivered using evidence-based scientific and holistic methodologies including:

· Neuroscience and habit change methodology

· Positive psychology and The Science of Happiness

· Polyvagal theory and autonomic nervous system regulation.

· Addiction and trauma recovery

In the full Addictive Behaviours Programme you will learn:

· The neuroscience of addictive behaviours & how we develop habits and how to change them.

· The why behind the behaviour - the impact of neurodiversity, Adverse Childhood Experiences, Chronic Stress and trauma.

· The importance of nutrition, holistic well-being, positive psychology and the science of happiness in sustainable behaviour change.

· How important our nervous system regulation and sensory needs are.

· Practical application of strengths-based coaching models.

· Confidence to know when to signpost, what is in your scope of practice and when to support the individual to find other support systems.

To achieve your certificate you will need to complete and return:

· A Coaching Academy Learning Record Sheet for each live accelerator day showing the use of the core competencies and tools. The Core Competencies will be shared in your training materials and by your trainers.

· A multiple-choice test based on the core competencies of the training.

· You will need to write a six-week coaching plan for someone displaying an addictive behaviour, showing how you would implement the holistic tools.

When you have completed the course, you will be recognised as a fully qualified Addictive Behaviours Coach! This certification will be a great tool in expanding your current client base, demonstrating your knowledge, and furthering your coaching practice.

Who runs the Addictive Behaviours programme?

This programme is run by Addictive Behaviour specialists Kate Baily & Mandy Manners.

On why they created the Addictive Behaviours Programme, Kate commented:

"In our modern fast-paced, success-driven world we are increasingly living with mental ill health, chronic stress and burnout as the norm and where there are these factors there are also coping mechanisms. We form habits that drive our behaviour, driven by ancient brain chemistry, which become narrow and repetitive coping mechanisms, can become addictive. This course is answering a real need to support clients change their habits and behaviours which are preventing them from reaching their goals. We created this course to challenge stereotypes of those with a 'problem' and to use the power of coaching to support the strengths in our clients and create a container for their holistic growth and wellbeing."

On how this course could benefit learners, Mandy commented:

"This course will give learners in-depth, science-based knowledge of habits and addictive behaviours and practical tools to evoke habit change in their clients. They will gain confidence in recognising their scope of practice. In line with current thinking and new ICF guidelines around coaching the whole client, this course will give learners a basis to be trauma, mental ill-health and diversity-aware. It will benefit learners by practical application of coaching skills, creating a habit change plan and developing a robust toolkit of holistic tools for wellbeing based on positive psychology, the science of happiness and nervous system regulation techniques."