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Nervous system hacks for a happier you

The Coaching Academy Blog

Posted: August 2021

You've heard this before where there is stress, there are unhealthy coping mechanisms. Kate Baily and Mandy Manners, specialist coach trainers for the Addictive Behaviours Coaching programme, are sharing their best tips and tools to help regulate your nervous system without reaching for that unhealthy solution be it your phone, games, wine, shopping or anything else. Read on!

We might talk ourselves out of it, but then you may have forgotten to eat lunch, an emergency doctor’s appointment because your child was running a fever, you could have received some bad news or heard something unkind and mood & motivation starts to dip. By 5 pm the devil on our shoulder is in our ears as we juggle homework, dinner prep and telling people 10,000 times the same thing without anyone taking any notice.

Our brain rightly searches for our precious Me Time, when we can finally breathe, have a moment to ourselves and sit down. In our frazzled states, this has the flashing ‘DISTRACTION NEEDED’ sign all over it.

It’s not surprising, really. Alcohol, social apps, retail therapy is marketed as an essential part of fun, relaxation and connection. Where there is stress there are unhealthy coping strategies.

It’s an absolute power tool to be able to ask better questions about what we need from our Me Time at the end of the day and get sustainable and healthy tools on board.

When we arrive at that precious Me Time moment, we arrive with the baggage of our day. It can take time to come down from the fast pace of the working part of the day and this transition can actually feel uncomfortable.

THE SCIENCE SECRET!!!! Did you know; that this is your nervous system and your brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) trying to find balance.

We have compiled some evidence-based tips and tools to help you hack your brain and nervous system to transition smoothly to reclaim your ME TIME in a way that won’t come back to bite you tomorrow.


I feel sad, I feel stressed, I feel angry, I feel resentful, I feel lonely, I feel happy, I feel anxious.

Once you have identified the feeling you can trace it to the neurotransmitter that is out of whack.

2) Applying the right self-care and wellbeing strategies to answer your needs will redress the imbalance.

If you feel sad, your serotonin levels are depleted. Fixes for sadness are:

  • Upping your protein intake
  • Exercise: jogging, swimming, cycling for example
  • Doing something you love: crafting, knitting, painting, writing
  • Walking in nature
  • Connecting with a like-minded friend
  • Watching a funny film

Do you feel stressed and need to dial it down? Your brain is probably flooded with cortisol so activities that balance this for example:

  • Don’t drink alcohol. You might think it relaxes you, but alcohol actually increases cortisol.
  • Avoid caffeine, sugar, and processed food.
  • Exercise. (But not cardio like running) Yoga, Pilates, or walking in nature helps relax your mind while exercising your body
  • Get a monthly massage to reduce stress and relax muscles   
  • Try meditation to slow your mind down, reduce anxiety, and lower cortisol levels. Even deep breathing can help.
  • Have a good sleep ritual. This creates a good circadian rhythm, which optimizes your hormone balance naturally.
  • Get out in the sunshine.

Are you angry? Maybe you are in adrenaline overload? Why not:

  • Go for a run
  • Do some star jumps
  • Dance it out
  • Journal and write it out
  • Do a sport where you can hit something (maybe tennis or boxing)
  • Distract and give yourself a moment to regulate your nervous system, take a time out – have a shower or walk around the block

Maybe you feel resentful and under-appreciated and are looking for a dopamine boost through a treat

  • Complete a task – do a ruthless deep clear-out and then reward yourself with some fresh flowers
  • Focus on self-care activities, go to the spa, get your nails done
  • Celebrate your strengths and little wins, what did you do well?
  • Listen to music
  • Eat foods rich in Tyrosine. To make dopamine, your body needs tyrosine which can be found in almonds, bananas, avocados, eggs, beans, fish, and chicken. Eat probiotics.
  • Learn meditation & Mindfulness

Is it a lonely feeling? Maybe you need to up your natural store of oxytocin?

  • Wrap yourself up in a cuddly blanket
  • Spend time with your pet or children
  • Give yourself a foot or hand massage with essential oils
  • Give yourself a hug

Are you happy and want to celebrate?

  • Don’t drink alcohol - it is a depressant, it depletes our natural resources of dopamine
  • Get in lovely alcohol-free drinks (Keep the occasion, just change the drink)
  • Listen to uplifting music, dance
  • Up your endorphins, do a HIIT class or go for a run
  • Practice mindfulness know how much more you get out of experiences when they are not numbed with alcohol

Do you feel anxious? Want to feel grounded and to settle yourself? Your GABA levels are probably depleted. GABA normally inhibits brain activity, enabling you to relax. When you’re low in GABA, your mind gets stuck in the “on” position and you’ll find yourself anxious, overstimulated, and overwhelmed.

  • Practice breathing activities such as the somatic experiencing techniques of grounding, centring and orienting.
  • Lie on the ground and regulate your nervous system.
  • Do yoga or meditation
  • Take a bath and engage your senses with essential oils and binaural beats.
  • Turn off technology
  • Sing, dance, chant, meditate (tone the vagus nerve)
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