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Happy International Coaching Week

The Coaching Academy Blog

Posted: May 2021

It's International Coaching Week 2021 so we're spending this week celebrating the fantastic coaches within our community, our amazing students and the transformational power of coaching! ⁣Find out how to join the celebration.

Happy International Coaching Week! 

JOIN US this week celebrating as we'll be going live not once, not twice, but three times to connect with all of you! ⁣

You can find our schedule below, but first... giveaway! 

🔔Win one mentorship session with Head of Training, Sharon Lawton 🔔⁣


Do you ever dream about all the fantastic things you can do as a coach? ⁣

Imagine that it's 2 years from now and you are the Coach of The Year at the International Coaching Awards. ⁣

What would you be telling people about how coaching changed your life? ⁣

👉 Record it in a one minute video and send it to us to win! ⁣


1. Add a story on Instagram and make sure you mention @coachingacademy so that we can see it. Use the hashtag #ICW2021 and #TheCoachingAcademy⁣

2. Email it to us at social@the-coaching-academy.com ⁣

⁣Ever wanted to sit down with a successful coach with decades of experience in coaching and prosperous coaching business? ⁣Here's your chance! ⁣

The winner will be chosen at random on Friday, 21st May at 1 pm BST. ⁣

Please note, by entering the competition you agree to our use of the message, your name or account name and allow The Coaching Academy to use the submitted video for any commercial and non-commercial purposes.

Join us live this week

The power of life-coaching LinkedIn Live: Opening International Coaching Week

When? Monday, 17th May from 10:30 am 

Where? LinkedIn 

Join Sharon Lawton at the beginning of International Coaching Week with a cup of tea or coffee and start your week with positivity and good energy! 

Missed it? Watch the replay here.

Coaching Conversations: Why Continuous Professional Development is Important as a Coach

When? Tuesday, 18th May from 10 am

Where? Register in time and join us live on zoom. 

Join your host Sharon Lawton for another Coaching Conversation with Amanda Rosewarne, CEO & Co-Founder at The Professional Development Consortium, and a long-time partner of The Coaching Academy.

Missed it? Watch the replay here.

To train or not to train (in coaching): A discussion with Jan Lonnen

When? Friday, 21st May from 12pm 

In a year where we’re all working towards defying challenging times, it has never been more important to learn to listen deeply and to ask powerful questions. As coaches, it is our superpower to empower others and help them defy their limits and achieve their goals. 

This year many have decided that they want to live their best lives helping others and we’re here to cheer that on. But what do you actually need to become a coach? 

Here at TCA, we tell our students that to get started all you need is a willingness to help others and an open mind. 

But to become a qualified and successful coach, you need professional training. Being a coach is an amazing and fulfilling career but it comes with a lot of responsibility. 

That’s why we invited our fantastic Qualifications Manager, Jan Lonnen, for a discussion about the power of coaching, where and when to use coaching skills and why it’s important to get professional training in this unregulated industry.  

Grab your lunch or a cup of tea and join the conversation! We’re looking forward to hearing from you live. 

Join us here live on LinkedIn.  

We're celebrating all week on our social channels! We have fun activities planned every day on Instagram so make sure you stop by and join the celebration on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn

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Who we are

The Coaching Academy was established in 1999, and is now the world's largest coaching school.

In that time we have trained over 14,000 people to become life coaches.

We are accredited by the International Coach Federation and the Association for Coaching, and we're rated 4.8 out of 5 on Trustpilot.

Our next free Introduction to Life Coaching webinar

7th of January at 7:00pm
FREE Introduction to Life Coaching With Adrian Webb
Book Now