The Coaching Academy Blog - 11 Nov 2020

How to turn challenges into superpowers

As England faces lockdown 2.0 people are reacting to it differently. Your experience might be distinct to your family, friends or even clients and that's normal. But award-winning coach and TCA Trainer Sharon Lawton says we all have 4 superpowers we can use in this challenge. Discover them in this insightful article!

Here we are again! Anyone else feeling a bit of Deja Vue?

All of us will be experiencing this second lockdown in our own way! There’s no right or wrong way to experience it, but one thing is certain, as coaches and prospective coaches, what we focus on we notice more of. I regularly laugh with people around me that I step into my own “little pink bubble” where the world is a positive place.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of assuming that “everyone” feels the same way that we do. Under stress, I still remind myself of my coach training that prompts me that we have our own personal map of the world, we see life through our own lens which feeds our narrative.  

It got me to thinking about our mindset and who we surround ourselves with.

"Now, of course, I’m no superhero – but I do like to use a reframe where I step into my personal power and take ownership of the choices I make, particularly under times of situational stress like we are experiencing right now."

It can be helpful in times like these to look through the lens of what resources we have at our fingertips as we navigate our way through this second lockdown and beyond. After all, habit number 2 of Steven Covey’s 7 habits of highly effective people is "to be proactive”

Which brings me back to my “pink bubble”.

I sort of see myself a bit like the character Violet from the Disney Pixar movie “The Incredibles”. Violet had a superpower, her forcefield that she was able to use to protect her and those around her from threat and danger. Now, of course, I’m no superhero – but I do like to use a reframe where I step into my personal power and take ownership of the choices I make, particularly under times of situational stress like we are experiencing right now.  

So what are my superpowers?

1. The power of what I choose to look at, watch and listen to

   My top tip – you have the power to turn off the negativity on the news and online and listen to uplifting podcasts or create a “feel good” playlist on your Spotify/Itunes account.

2. The power of the choices I make during this lockdown period

   My top tip – get out at least once per day – go for a short walk (even if it’s around the block) and ensure you look up and not at your phone – looking up changes our perspective.

3. The power of who I chose to surround myself with

We can look at our relationships and friendships as a resource. It might feel strange to think this way, but our friendships have a positive impact on us or equally, they can be really draining.

When working with my clients, I often talk about how our life energy is impacted by those whom we surround ourselves with. 

In life, we come across people who are either what I call “radiators” or “drains”.  

“Radiators” do just that, they radiate positive energy, we feel topped up and energized when we are around them. Whereas “drains” are energy vampires, then drain that positivity away and we can feel exhausted as a result of that interaction.

   My top tip – surround yourself with as many “radiators” as possible. Give yourself permission to spring clean and edit your life.

I read an article recently that mentioned a really interesting study led by Dustin Wood, a professor of psychology at the University of Alabama, where students were asked to rate their friends and peers. 

Those who gave positive and generous ratings were shown to have more empathic, kind-hearted characteristics and better wellbeing in general.

Wood states in his research “seeing others positively reveals “our” positive traits”. Those who looked for positive traits in others were also perceived to possess the same in themselves. And, of course, the reverse is also true.

"Positivity is always there if we choose to focus our brain to look for it, after all, even on the rainiest and stormiest of days, when the clouds part the blue sky has been there all along!"

4. The power of my thoughts, feelings and behaviours

   My top tip - Ask yourself what am I putting out there? If you don’t see generosity, positivity, kindness, empathy, then be it! 

Be the behaviour you want to see – you will attract that back! 

Become aware of your thoughts are they moving you towards or away from how you want to feel? 

If we change our values and change our behaviours, then we attract more of that back into our lives. Keep a thoughts journal, write down any negative thoughts or responses you have, you can then look back reflectively and reframe them.

Positivity is always there if we choose to focus our brain to look for it, after all, even on the rainiest and stormiest of days, when the clouds part the blue sky has been there all along!

New habits take time, and self-awareness is the first step to change, so notice your thoughts, replace any critical, negative thoughts with kinder, positive ones, and if all else fails – well there’s always room in my little pink bubble!

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