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The Coaching Academy Blog - 15 Apr 2020
Are you still waiting for the perfect time to make your dreams a reality? Many will tell you that there is no perfect time, but you do have the present time. As the world around us slows down, this can mean an opportunity of time that you can put to good use. Coach Mariya Draganova shares her story today to offer us a perspective of gratitude for past choices and challenges you to take this gift of time to check in with your dreams for the future.
Rewind four years ago from today, I was getting ready to leave my lovely, comfortable job and mentally preparing for the most important meeting in my life- the one with my baby girl.
Like so many other people who can’t rely on additional support with childcare, I needed to think of something that would allow flexibility, but also the opportunity to earn a good living.
Having already qualified as an NLP practitioner, qualifying as a professional Coach was the next thing that really got me excited. The opportunity to be able to work from home and plan my hours to work around my daughter’s needs, in addition to the opportunity to help people by making a positive and lasting difference to their lives – it just seemed like a dream.
Could I build a career that was going to give me the control to decide who I work with and when I want to work, whilst continuing with my personal development and ultimately becoming the best role model I could be for my little girl? Having never run a business of my own, it was scary, but it was also just too exciting to go of…..and I am so glad that I didn’t!
Fast forward a few years to the present day and this is my reality. I now use the skills I have acquired by graduating as a professional, qualified coach, to make a positive and lasting difference to my clients when they need it the most.
The ‘lockdown’ we are all currently facing has changed nothing in terms of the delivery of my coaching sessions as they were always delivered online prior to this.
During this lockdown period, I have received a number of enquiries from people seeking help and I have begun to work with some of them. These enquiries make sense to me as so many people are currently experiencing such a lot of uncertainty both personally and professionally and they would like to speak to someone in a safe, non-judgmental environment which coaching provides.
If you aren’t already a Coach but have been considering becoming one for a while, you may wish to use this lockdown period to embark upon a course of study to achieve this.
In my opinion, there is no better time to embark on a qualification in coaching as it is the ultimate tool to help others when they most need it in the months and years to come.
If you are already a Coach, remember this: All good Coaches have a Superpower - to listen and make people feel heard.
And to quote Bev James, right now we need to “step up, unite and pull together for the greater good”. In the unprecedented times that we find ourselves in, with fear, worry and uncertainty crippling in, it is so easy to shrink, paralyse and stop the creative mind from helping us to see the way through.
But we are Coaches and our Clients need us more than ever before. This is our time to do what we do – serve people.
In normal situations, we can all find ways to be resourceful, to be creative, find ways to move forward. But the situation we are currently in is everything but normal.
Personally, I choose to see it as an opportunity and a test.
A test of how to become that person, who is able to find the way through, to find their inner strength and resilience and to show up and help others. This is the time to push forward, get inventive and find out what is relevant between what we do and this crisis.
People need clarity, focus, strategy and an action plan more the ever and coaching can bring an immense benefit to many.
So please, don’t wait for this to be over, find a way now.
Find a way to keep your own positive attitude up, to stay connected, to share your knowledge, to focus on your circle of influence rather than concern, to be proactive.
Be visible, there is no better time to lead the digital transformation of your business; speak to people you know; ask them to spread the word to people that they know; offer your support and volunteer your time and skills to those in need.
We live in a primarily left brain-dominant world, where words and logic are enthroned, and the more creative, intuitive right brain is often subordinated.
Sometimes, however, we are knocked out of our left-brain thought patterns by an unplanned experience which for a lot of people can be a wake-up call to stand back and ask themselves what is really important to them in their lives and careers.
Now, when everyone is looking to get settled into their new ‘normal’ and change is the only thing that is certain, Coaches have a massive opportunity to shine.
Remember that there isn’t a better way to beat anxiety than action.
Setting exciting, motivational and challenging goals gives people meaning and purpose to all they do and to keep going.
Help your clients start using the power of visualisation and affirmations to create more calm and balance in their day.
Share useful tools and techniques to help them feel more in control of their emotional state.
Show up for your community. Be kind. Listen. Do what you do best. Seek support as much as you offer it. Keep going. And always begin with the end in mind.
Remember what you originally wanted to do with your coaching? Go for it, now is the time.
We run a number of free webinars from our Introduction to Life Coaching, to sessions covering coaching niches. The next of each of these webinars is displayed below.