The Coaching Academy Blog - 16 Mar 2020

Rachael Bushby - Coaching is about hope and opportunity

This week our Coach in the Spotlight is Rachael Bushby, who found her path as a wellbeing and confidence coach and now works with adults as well as young people to help them uncover their best self.

Student Stories

Rachael is a big believer in coaching and her passion is palpable in her interview. That’s why she was a finalist in the Coaching Within Education category of the 2019 International Coaching Awards! We hope you enjoy her inspiring story.

What inspired you to enrol with The Coaching Academy? 

One of the main reasons I wanted to train to be a coach was to enable my co-founded company, Dragonfly: Impact Education, to provide coaching for young people.
The next generation has unprecedented opportunities but also an array of challenges in the modern world. It has become clear to me that coaching can benefit wellbeing, academic progress and career prospects where other modalities may have failed. As Penny Ferguson said ‘young people can think like giants too’… if we let them.

What I have found so satisfying is that the evidence-base of coaching is underpinned by psychological research and draws on established therapeutic approaches.
It is continually evolving making it both exciting and yet grounded. I love the way coaching links and can be linked to so many other disciplines including neuroscience, linguistics and philosophy. It is a thread that runs through different worlds drawing ideas together and revealing a way forward.

What was the most rewarding part of your training and your coaching journey?

Applying the philosophy of coaching to my work with practice clients was so rewarding. Coaching is about hope and opportunity; it’s forward-thinking, positive and pragmatic.
The coaching model doesn’t discriminate against age, class, culture, job role, personality type – it can work for anyone.
The simplicity of coaching is its greatest strength: having someone in your corner to help identify what you want your life to be can spark the motivation to achieve success.

I found the approach to learning that TCA takes incredibly refreshing.
It enables you to play to your strengths – whether that be to focus deeply on one niche of coaching or to take a broader view of the coaching philosophy. The content is varied, and the accelerator days have been the most inspiring training I’ve ever received. I don't remember the last time I saw my comfort zone and I love that!

For me, the most rewarding parts of the journey have come as a complete surprise. They certainly weren’t on my business plan! Top of the list has to be impacting dozens of clients' lives. When they tell me ‘I feel like me again’ I know our work is done. That feeling is like no other. The icing on the cake, though, has been to have my coaching recognised by distinction and to make finalist in the Coaching Within Education category of the TCA International Awards.

How are you using your coaching skills today? What is your coaching niche and why did you choose it?

Confidence and Wellbeing coaching for adults and young people is my niche. I didn't have to look far to find it - my clients found it for me. Confidence is all about the way you think and feel, meaning its malleable.
Some of my clients would come to me and say 'I'm just not a confident' person and through coaching, we would question that notion and turn it on its head.
Coaching has enabled me to work with people in all walks of life to help them challenge their limiting beliefs and find the key to enjoying the present.

Through training with TCA, I came to the realisation that although working with young people has historically been my niche, I absolutely love coaching adults too.
I feel privileged to be working with educational leaders providing a much-needed confidential sounding board in what is often a fast-paced - and potentially lonely - environment. Although I believe a good coach can coach anyone, my background in education means that I can shortcut some of the contexts which are valuable to my clients.

Also, through the 'Dragonfly Wellbeing Project,' we can channel investment from local business to support children and young people who otherwise would not be able to benefit from coaching.
I work with young people who have huge pressures placed upon them, such as elite sportspeople and young apprentices. Also, students who are suffering from exam anxiety, are at risk of exclusion and who are being bullied.

What are your top tips for:
People who are looking to become qualified as a professional coach?

What I would say to people who are thinking of embarking on the road to become a professional coach is – I envy you! It’s an amazing journey. I can honestly say that coaching has been the answer for me.
Whatever the question has been over the last year or so, the answer has been the same. It has given me a new lease of life in my career; enhanced my business; uncovered possibilities; given me tools to understand myself; improved my relationships and unlocked ideas for the future.
It has given me confidence and insight in a way no other learning has.

Those currently in training with TCA?

For those currently in training, I’d say: be coached. As often as possible by as many different coaches as possible. The opportunity is like gold dust! 

If you're interested in finding out more about coaching, just like Rachael did, start by joining our live webinar! Choose from available dates here. .