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Donna Smith: An incredible night - I am still in a daze!

The Coaching Academy Blog

Posted: July 2019

We recently caught up with our wonderful and award-winning coach, Donna Smith for a quick Q&A for the Coach in The Spotlight column. Donna shared her remarkable experience of being awarded the Life Coach of The Year 2018 and what this achievement has meant for her coaching business. We hope you enjoy watching Donna's video.

What inspired you to enrol with The Coaching Academy?

I had been coached a number of times earlier in my career which really made a difference to the direction of travel for me. I then had the opportunity to support on the delivery of a coaching skills programme for Front line managers. Seeing the positive benefits coaching had for other people as well as myself was the key turning point for me. I decided I wanted to become a qualified coach, so I started my research and asked for recommendations. One of my colleagues at the time told me about the free two-day events that TCA runs so I got myself booked on to one of those in January 2016 – the rest is history!

What was the most rewarding part of your journey?

The most rewarding part of my training was seeing the incredible impact that coaching had on the wonderful individuals who agreed to be my practice clients. Being able to observe their ‘aha’ moments that helped them move forward was both humbling and a privilege.

What is your coaching niche and why did you choose it?

My coaching niche is ‘Growth & Transformation’ in that I help clients grow into or transform an area of their life so that they ‘Burn Bright! (not out)’. I chose this focus as I can relate to it personally. This enables me to be authentic and credible whenever I interact with people about my coaching business in whatever guise that may be.

Tell us about your 2018 Awards experience - How did you feel to be recognised for your outstanding work?

To be totally honest, I am still in a daze. The whole event was just incredible and having the continued support of the TCA team means so much to me. I love what I do every day and feel privileged to be in a position to help others help themselves. Being recognised for doing something that I am so passionate about is absolutely amazing.

How has winning potentially benefitted your coaching business?

Well, my profile has certainly gone through the roof which is something I am still getting used to and learning to enjoy. It has done wonders for my own personal belief system and confidence which can only mean great things for my coaching business and for my clients. It is my mission to make Burn Bright the norm (rather than burn out) so if I can be a positive role model for what it is possible to achieve then that’s incredible!


If you’re a qualified coach and you’d like to acknowledge your achievements, our 2019 International Coaching Awards is the perfect place to do so!

With 11 different categories to choose from, this is your chance to become an 'Award Winning Coach'. Please CLICK HERE to find out more.

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The Coaching Academy was established in 1999, and is now the world's largest coaching school.

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