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The Coaching Academy Blog - 13 Nov 2018
And this is my story…it started with a vivid dream, yes it really did! In this dream, I was on a stage addressing a group of individuals who looked very energised and motivated.
I remember telling them how they could dream big and achieve (without sounding too American – as I’m really not that way inclined). I clearly remember how exhilarating and fulfilled I felt in this dream. I woke up feeling mega excited (very unlike myself as I am really not a morning person) though not knowing what role I was playing in my dream; however, I was extremely keen to find out. I was caring for my Mum at the time, who was going through treatment for her final stage cancer, which was also really making me question life generally and ‘why am I here?’, ‘What will my Legacy be?’ - Those kind of big life questions.
Call it coincidence or the aligning of my planets but having sat down that morning to check my emails, I was greeted with an email from The Coaching Academy inviting me to join their Free Foundation in Life Coaching Course in London. Obviously, I signed up immediately.
The 2 Day event from beginning to end kept confirming to me that this is exactly what I was looking for and this is the name of the Profession I was living out in my dream that night.
What was your profession before becoming a coach?
I worked as a successful Financial Advisor for many years within the Banking and Financial Service. Not surprisingly, I now offer Financial Management Coaching to clients alongside my Confidence & Career Coaching.
What was the most rewarding part of your training/journey?
My own learning and self-development. Being coached myself and seeing the great benefits it was having for me in both my personal & professional life was incredible. I thought I knew myself pretty well until I was coached and that’s where I saw myself in a new clearer mirror.
Coaching others was very uplifting as I was able to be a part of another’s journey where I saw them develop self-awareness, insight, grow, and even cry at times, overcome with emotion from a breakthrough they’d had.
Overall, it was amazing to be around people who wanted to grow, improve and move forward. To share as Tony Robbins calls it, one of the 6 Human Needs of ‘Growth’ with such likeminded individuals was truly inspiring.
How did you fit coach training into your busy life?
As I knew in my deepest being that Life Coaching was for me, I wanted to crack on and get on with my Life Coaching Diploma, so I dedicated as much as I could to it and spent time reading and exploring around the subjects of coaching, NLP and general performance development too. The more I learnt the more I wanted to explore, it was and still is a passion more than a profession for me.
Where are you now? What is your coaching niche and why did you choose it?
I had a very proud moment in June 2017 when I qualified with a Distinction in my Life Coaching Diploma and I now work as a self-employed Life Coach. My niches are Confidence, Financial and Career Coaching as these are the areas where my strengths lie and have tools and techniques within these areas that help my clients move forwards. I also deliver Sales Coaching to the Business and Corporate World, again an area I have personally have a proven track record in and share my insights and techniques with my clientele.
I continue to learn and develop and have completed a Confidence Coaching CPD Workshop in November 2017 with TCA.
I offer an array of Coaching Packages for my clients, and they all start with A Dig Deep session, where I take time delve in to my client’s world and spend time exploring their value and belief systems as these are the foundations of our coaching journey.
The biggest validation to my coaching has been where fellow coaches have become my paid clients, I take that as I am doing something right in the eyes of other members of this Industry.
What are your top tips for:
People who are looking to become qualified as a professional coach?
Give The Free 2-Days a go and if you feel that it’s for you, then go for it and share your gift of coaching with others. The experience is empowering, uplifting and liberating. Being surrounded by great people from TCA staff members to your fellow students will energise you.
Those currently in training with TCA?
Ensure you get your Accelerator days booked right away in advance, as in hindsight I would have qualified 6 months sooner if I had done that. Also book your Practical Assessments in – just do it, don’t wait in fear. They are a great source of learning and development.
Coaches, that are about to qualify?
I see too many coaches qualify and then continue to work pro-bono and this really saddens me. I have helped a good few coaches now set up their businesses and get paid for the credible work that they do. I would advise anyone struggling in this area to find themselves someone already running their own profitable coaching business, who could help coach/mentor them.
To summarise, “Don't die with your music still in you.” - Wayne Dyer.
Beaji Makhecha is a passionate life and professional coach, who has successfully helped many clients discover their own inner power and unlock their true potential.
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