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The Coaching Academy Blog - 30 Oct 2018
Truly understanding yourself is one of the most important attributes a person can possess - as Aristotle famously mused, 'Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.' When you know yourself, you know what path is right for you and instead of looking to others for permission, you are able to make decisions with more certainty. When you are your true self you are empowered to march to the beat of your own drum.
The path back to ourselves can be paved with limiting beliefs that exacerbate low self-confidence and belief in one's abilities. As such, for many people finding their true self can be an intense and cathartic experience.
When you know yourself truly, you are able to set and achieve the right goals. You will understand your true purpose and move forward in your life with confidence.
So how do you discover this elusive ‘true self?’ Here are 5 tips to help get you on the right path:
1. Uncover your values
Our values influence our thoughts, words and actions, they are important because they help motive us, help us grow and ultimately develop our sense of self. Understanding your values helps you better underpin your priorities and life direction. Your values are the foundation of your true self, as they are the unwavering beliefs, thoughts and feelings that define you.
2. Write it down
Who are you right now? Ask yourself this question and write down who you are right at this moment. List your qualities and values, whilst also taking time to take stock of any negative and limiting beliefs that arise. If these negative thoughts do come up, try and address the root causes. Often times, we spend a lot of time looking to the future of who we want to be, however, our true self is revealed in the present moment, of where we are right now.
3. Ask who the driver is
Expectations of ourselves can be incredibly empowering. However, they can also drag us down, it depends entirely on who the driver is. For example, if you have ever felt pressured to pursue a certain career path, or study a certain degree, it is worth checking in with yourself and ask who the driver of this expectation is. If it is you, then your goals will align to your true self, however, if this expectation is coming from someone else, then it is time to realign this goal.
4. Look at your relationships
Motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Ask yourself if you spending time with people who uplift you? Motive you? And encourage you to be your true, most authentic self? If you are not, it might be time to re-evaluate your relationships. As having positive role models and a strong support network will ultimately nurture a self-confidence and sense of assurance in yourself.
5. Visualisation
Visualisation and meditation are powerful tools to discover your true self. Visualise your deep inner self, meditate on how this feels and, in turn, move forward with confidence in who you truly are.
The journey to find your true self is an ever-evolving and exciting one. We are constantly changing and growing as human beings, as such it is important to allow yourself the space to take stock, check in and rediscover yourself.
What are some ways you invest in finding yourself? Tell us in the comments below.
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