The Coaching Academy Blog - 19 Dec 2017

Rock 'n Roll Your Emotional State - by Simone Vincenzi

Anthony Robbins said: There are no un-resourceful people, just un-resourceful states. What does it mean?

It means that you have, at all times, the resources within you to face every situation in the best way you can. 

Can you remember a moment where you acted under your standards? A moment when you're feeling down and even brushing your teeth seemed harsh? 

Can you remember a moment, on the other hand, when you had a great idea? Or a moment when you did something that you thought was impossible for you? What was the difference? 

It wasn’t another person, it was the state you were in that impacted your performances.

If state effects performances, what does affect our state?

Great question! It is the quality of our emotions that effect our state. Our state is the direct result of the emotions we are feeling in any given moment. Managing our emotions, we can control our state and then improve our life. 

If emotions change the state I’m in and the state I’m in effect my life, how can I change my emotions and my state?

There are different tools and ways to change our emotional state. Some of them come from ancient spiritual practices, while others come from modern technologies and psychologies.  

Here are some simple techniques I found most useful and effective for myself after years of experience. Try them out now and you will see immediate improvements to your emotional state.

Are You Ready??

1. Awareness 

First of all, you must be aware of the state you are in. Remember, you are not your state! You can decide to associate with it if it is a positive and empowering state or dis-associate if it is a negative state. If you say, “I’m depressed”, you are associating your identity with a feeling that is not you, and you start believing that is true. If you, on the other hand say: “I feel down”, you are acknowledging that this is just how you feel. Feel your feelings in that moment and be aware of what is the message behind that feeling. Once you have the awareness you can, then, create the change towards the state you desire.

2. Physiology 

Emotion means “Energy in Motion”. An emotion is energy stored in your body. The body, when moving, changes its energy and changing the energy of the body. You can change the energy of the emotions. Move your body, change your breathing, breathe deeply, look up and stand up straight. These are all changes that you can make in second. Or even better, go for a run or a light physical activity. Light physical activity is the best way to release a stream of serotonin in our body.

3. Focus 

Energy flows where the focus goes. When you focus on the negative, you are constantly attracting more negative thoughts and negative experiences. You are directing your energy towards that direction and you are telling your subconscious that you want to experience more of that feeling. If you, instead, focus on what is good, positive and what you are grateful for, you're telling your subconscious to search for it and as an end result, it will attract more positive experiences. Think about a happy moment, a moment of deep spiritual connection, a loving moment… How do you feel?

4. Language 

“Every word you speak and every thought you think, create your reality” - Louise Hay.

How we speak and what we speak is one of the ways we communicate with our subconscious mind. And, the first person we always communicate with is ourselves. Through our language and our thoughts, we are the creator of our own unique experience. Negative and dis-empowering language can affect our life in the direction we don’t want to go. Positive and empowering language drives us in the direction we desire.

Simone Vincenzi is a passionate coach and a great speaker. He is the co-founder of GTex Community.

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