The Coaching Academy Blog - 02 May 2017

How To 'Spring Clean' Your Life In Eight Easy Steps - by Samantha Babington

Like many people I know, Spring is my favourite time of year. It's a time of renewed hope and motivation as the days get longer, the mornings get brighter and the emerging buds signal the beginning of the end of winter.

Yet, despite the warmest March on record and a super sunny April, I have come across so many people who are still struggling to find that spring in their step, even though the clocks have now sprung forward.  Whether it’s experiencing low energy following months of winter ‘comfort eating’ or feeling flat after abandoned New Year’s resolutions, it seems many of us could do with a little help to finally entice us out of hibernation. 

If this sounds like you, here are eight simple steps to ‘spring clean’ your life and officially welcome in the new season...

1. Declutter your home

If you are feeling stuck in a rut, you will often find that when you clear away unwanted physical items, you can make space in your life for new and better things to come along.  

I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but a good place to start is to throw out any clothes you haven’t worn for a year.  Then, let go of any other clutter that clogs up your home. 

If you find yourself resisting this process, think about why you are holding onto things that you know no longer serve you.

What might they unconsciously represent that you don’t want to let go of?

When you start the process of decluttering and finally let go, you will immediately feel more energised as your life begins to become more organised and streamlined.

2. Declutter your mind

It’s not just our homes that can become over-crowded and cluttered. Every day we are bombarded with all sorts of chatter from our minds and, unfortunately, a lot of it is negative.  This can be anything from judgemental, self-critical thoughts to worries about the future or regrets from the past.  However, it is possible to quieten that critical inner voice simply by taking time to appreciate the present moment.  To put this into practice, start by taking a few minutes each day to sit down quietly and just focus on your breathing.  If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to concentrating on the breath. 

Making this a regular activity will help to calm your mind, reduce stress and increase your overall levels of happiness and well-being.

3. Refocus your thoughts

There is a saying, ‘where your attention goes, your energy flows...’  So, make a conscious choice to focus your attention on the positives in your life, such as what you are grateful for and what you love and enjoy.  One way to do this is to keep a gratitude journal.  Keeping a daily written record of the things you are grateful for in your life has also proven to dramatically improve levels of happiness and well-being.

4. Re-frame your perspective

Unfortunately, encountering problems is a fact of life.  Although we can’t always control what happens to us we can control our reactions.  So, if we do find ourselves dwelling on our problems, it is helpful to focus our energy on seeking solutions.  One way to do this is by changing our internal language and reframing the questions we ask ourselves.  So, instead of asking ‘Why is this happening to me?’, which focuses energy on the problem itself, ask yourself ‘What can I do to change this?’ which programmes the brain to search for solutions instead.

5. Refresh your routine 

We all have times in our life when we act on autopilot, such as going about our morning routine or during our journey to work.  However, making small changes to your daily routine can make a big difference to your life as it rewires your brain to be more resourceful and creative.  Something as simple as changing your route to work or sitting in a different seat on your daily commute can bring a new perspective to your day and could even end up sparking big changes to your life.

6. Rethink your habits

There is a saying, ‘motivation is what gets you started but habit is what keeps you going’.  So, if you found it hard to stick to your New Year’s resolutions it could be that you didn’t form the right habits to build momentum.  For example, if you want to lose weight, rather than completely cutting out your favourite foods, try something simple like putting your food on a smaller plate.  When this becomes a habit and part of your daily routine, the pounds will fall off much more easily!

7. Rewrite your goals

It’s great to have dreams that are huge and exciting but goals are easier to achieve when they feel realistic and manageable too.  Sometimes we set too many goals at once and become so overwhelmed with what to do that we stop taking action to achieve them.  To instantly quick-start change, begin by setting one, simple goal that is highly motivating and fairly easy to achieve. Then make sure the required actions become a habit! 

8. Recycle your social circle 

It is often said that we are a product of the people we spend most time with.  So, are there people in your life who don’t support you or who bring you down?  To increase the quality of your life, start by identifying any toxic ties you may have and, if possible, reduce the amount of time you spend with these people.  Instead, surround yourself with people who you know have your back, radiate positive energy and encourage you to shine.  

So, now you have decluttered your home and your thoughts, refreshed your routine, social life and goals, you should be all set to embrace the new season with a spring in your step.

Here’s to a new season and a brand new you!

Samantha Babington - Coaching Academy Graduate

If Sam's words have inspired you and you feel that Coaching could be a potential full or part time opportunity for you, or if you would just like to know a little more about what Coaching is and how it can benefit you and the lives of others, please contact our Specialist Course Advisor, Jamil on 0208 996 4830 or email:

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