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Bev's Mindful Reflections

The Coaching Academy Blog

Posted: December 2015

Sometimes we need to know when to put our foot on the accelerator and when to slow down or stop for a while to recharge and re focus!

Sometimes we need to know when to put our foot on the accelerator and when to slow down or stop for a while to recharge and re focus!

The ‪#‎mindful30‬ challenge has been an interesting experience for me. The process has been more challenging that I originally thought and I’d say it’s still a work in progress. Creating the mindful30 challenge has meant that my focus has been divided between connecting with participants and ensuring I’ve been adding value to their experience as well as focusing on my own experience. I am looking forward to starting the challenge again from day 1 with my participant hat on this time. I may not have reached mindfulness master status just yet, but a few of my key take a ways from this challenge have been:

- The increase in my level of self-awareness. I’ve been able to recognise when I’m not being mindful in situations and take steps to turn it around by focusing on the person in front of me instead of my laptop. Having the awareness on how I am responding to others has helped me to stay more present with the people around me instead of getting sucked into my emails, as a result of doing so, I’ve been able to remain more focused in my meetings and give others my full attention.

- It has been a busy month for me and mindfulness has helped me to remain aware of my states throughout the day. I’ve been able to stay more present with the thoughts and feelings that have come up throughout my day instead of disregarding them and racing ahead.

- The challenge has inspired me to have more mindful meals with my friends and family. It has been nice to remain connected with conversations and spend quality time together instead of splitting my attention between conversations with them and focusing my thoughts on the next thing on my to-do list and this is something that I’d like to continue.

- Another highlight from the #mindful30 challenge has been using the Buddhify and Headspace Apps. I’ve found the Apps to be a great way to help me to relax and slow down my thoughts, especially at night-time and its something i will continue to do.

Mindfulness has been a great reminder to STOP and take time to appreciate what’s going on around me and I am looking forward to starting the challenge again to see what I’ll experience the second time around!

What have you learnt from taking part in #mindful30? I'd love to know, share with me on my Facebook Page and if you haven't taken part you can start your 30 days at anytime by signing up here.

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