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Achieving a Better Work-Life Balance - Debbie Hayes

The Coaching Academy Blog

Posted: November 2015

Have you reached an age where doctors, vets and policeman look increasingly younger and notice people saying life's not a dress rehearsal and these are the best days of your life?. Yet life doesn't quite feel that way as the responsibilities of demanding employers, partners, children and possibly ageing parents pull you in several directions at once, and you may feel you've lost any real control, direction and purpose in your life, and start wondering if Work/Life Balance really does exist.

Have you reached an age where doctors, vets and policeman look increasingly younger and notice people saying “life’s not a dress rehearsal” and “these are the best days of your life”?. Yet life doesn’t quite feel that way as the responsibilities of demanding employers, partners, children and possibly ageing parents pull you in several directions at once, and you may feel you’ve lost any real control, direction and purpose in your life, and start wondering if Work/Life Balance really does exist.

Well, it is possible, but you need to take responsibility for the choices you make and be prepared to TAKE ACTION.

Is your life running you?

Old habits die hard, but remember, if you continue to do the same things, you will get the same results.

Focus on what’s really important to YOU and adapt your approach, ensure that the habits you have really work.

Think about when things were going really well, what were you doing then, that you can adopt today?

My biggest learning is that I can’t to do everything myself, and even I need to ask for help and support. 

Today, I’m a busy working mum and still have a lot of demands on my time, but now I am the one in control, life does not control me. I feel energised and enthusiastic. Am I claiming that I’m perfect?, NO!  I still need a chocolate fix at 3pm now and again – what girl doesn’t!

So what’s the magic formula for creating a greater work life balance – Here’s my top tips:

  1. Put yourself at the top of the list, as least once in a while! Learn to say no when appropriate
  2. Get clarity of what you really do. Log what you actually do over two weeks. Write this down honestly and you’ll be shocked how much time you waste
  3. Eradicate your time vampires. How much time do you spend moaning about having no time, searching for keys or that piece of paper with your notes on. How long do you really spend in front of the TV or computer attempting to ‘escape’
  4. Focus on what’s truly important to YOU. Don’t live by someone else’s standards – when you’re on your death bed, will you really be thinking “I wish I’d done more ironing”?
  5. We can’t physically change time, so schedule your priorities. Consider each of your roles and think what is really important for me to achieve this week or month as a mother, employee, daughter, wife etc….
  6. Refresh your mind, body and soul. Get out in the fresh air, do something to make you laugh and get a better night sleep, unwinding even just 20 mins before you go to bed will leave you far less stressed.

Make these tips habitual, but be patientnew habits typically take 3-4 weeks to become truly embedded


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