The Coaching Academy Blog - 22 May 2015

The Do it! Guide to Goal Setting

Setting goals allows us to determine our priorities, make big decisions and start taking steps towards realising our dreams, it takes more than just writing down what we want to achieve.

An important skill taught to athletes to help them achieve optimal performance is Goal Setting.  Setting goals allows athletes to observe where they are and clearly map out where they want to go ensuring they are focused and prepared to reach the chosen outcome. 

Setting goals allows us to determine our priorities, make big decisions and start taking steps towards realising our dreams, it takes more than just writing down what we want to achieve.   Be clear  Have a clear idea of what you want and WHY you want it. Many goals fall apart due to the simple fact that they are too vague. ‘I want to set up a business next year’ is unlikely to become a reality without asking other questions such as Where? To do what? How? When? If you want to run a restaurant - great, what kind of restaurant? with Who? What knowledge do you need? What training will you require?  Getting professional advice is crucial, talking to people in the industry and learning about running costs as well as getting practical experience are all necessary steps in allowing you to gain a clearer understanding of where you are going and why you are heading that way, all of which will help you to take the actions necessary to get you there. 

Dream big Planning a big outcome doesn’t take any more time than planning a small one so why not map out a vision that’s as wide and broad as you can image it to be? Why not stretch the limits of your comfort zone and see where it will extend to in the future, it’s important to have a clear idea of where you are aiming for now but don’t forget to keep your future possibilities in view too. Maybe setting up that restaurant will extend to a chain across the country? Anything is possible if you begin to live as if your future is already happening right now. However big or small your dream, it can become a reality if you make plans and turn each step into a practical action. 

Model your vision  How many of us built model airplanes, cars or playhouses as children? They assisted us in imagining ourselves ‘AS IF’ we’re flying, or driving and living that life. As adults we can still stimulate the power of our imagination with the use of words, music, images and so on to reinforce the messages we send to our brain. Take a look around your environment, how is your life reflecting your vision? The restaurant can become more tangible if you surround yourself with images, music and menus, allowing your dream to move closer to reality. Why not draw up a business plan and stick your goals in view on your wall? Your surroundings can become a place that reflects the true nature of your ambitions so whatever your vision – continue to surround yourself with things and people that will inspire you to achieve it. As the saying goes, ‘Be careful what you wish for – you might just get it!’.   Review your attitudes and behaviours

Each of us is an expert of ‘self’. We think we know our own weaknesses and strengths but it’s helpful to do an occasional stock check to review which skills are driving you forward and what is holding you back. What motivates you? Which core fears are hindering you? (we all have them) What desires or behaviours have outgrown you?  Ask yourself the following questions:

What do you need to START doing?

Make a plan? Set realistic goals? Monitor your progress? Seek advice? Smarten up? 

What do you need to STOP doing?

Procrastinating? Living in the past? Having regrets? Blaming others? Putting yourself down?

What do you need to do LESS of?

Spending? Watching TV? Eating junk food? Putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own?

 What do you need to do MORE of?

Networking? Socialising? Saving money? Planning? Taking action? Get the practical experience you need, to overcome unhelpful thoughts or behaviours.  

Find a mentor

More people are willing to help others in achieving their goals than you may imagine. If you know someone with the skills to help you, why not approach them to ask for their advice? A mentor is a great way to shortcut your route to success.   So that leaves you with the final step Do it! – Begin today