The Coaching Academy Blog - 10 Feb 2015

Niche in the spotlight - Coaching Misfit Freelancers, Business owners and Entrepreneurs.

We love to celebrate the success of our coaches many of whom are doing great work within fascinating niches. Today Ebonie Allard shares with us how she coaches the 'misfits'.

We love to celebrate the success of our coaches many of whom are doing great work within fascinating niches. Today Ebonie Allard shares with us how she coaches the 'misfits'.

What is your niche?

I coach the unemployable – by which I mean the people who are so creative, innovative, inspired, interesting and interested that clocking in and clocking out or being micromanaged is their idea of absolute hell on earth. I coach the misfits – the people who never found anywhere that they belonged, so they created it for themselves, and then for others like them. The trailblazers and the seekers. I coach Freelancers, Business Owners and Entrepreneurs. I take them from ARGH to AHHH. I enable them to have 360 degree lives where they have time and space for work, rest and play. I work with those who want to accelerate adventure, catalyse connection and magnetise money.

What made you decide upon your niche?

These people and their stories are my passion. I am deeply fascinated by creativity and innovation and I know from personal experience what a lonely place it can be. I want nothing more that to champion, cheerlead and challenge those people who I care deeply about.

Why are you so passionate about your niche?

Because I know what an isolating place leadership or creativity can be. I spent years of my life not feeling supported or understood or championed and I believe with my whole heart that with the support of the right coach the learning curve can be shortened dramatically. No one else needs to go through the dark days and feast and famine cycle I endured for years. I want to enable the misfits who believe that they are no good at business to see that they can excel at it. I want the misfits who believe that they can’t have joyful relationships see that they can, and I want those misfits who feel discomfort in their own skin to know their own worth.

What benefits do you see your clients get?

I see more money flooding in to their businesses with ease and grace. I see relationships blossom as their emotional intelligence soars. I see their confidence levels increase. I see them living adventurous lives by their own rules.

How do you market myself?

I love social media, I am a social person and my online presence is a large part of my marketing strategy. I also attend a lot of seminars, CPD activity, workshops, meetups and events where my people hang out. I run small workshops, I blog on my own site and guest blog for industry publications.  I am currently writing a book and speaking at events on a number of topics. Word of mouth is still my best marketing method, through personal referrals and joint ventures. I am also listed on

What other services do you offer?

I have an online signature programme that can be done alone or with additional 1-2-1 coaching from me. I offer three, six or twelve month coaching packages.

What sort of challenges do you help people with?

I divide life into three areas:

Work – the thing that you are passionate about and make a living from.

Relationships – with clients, colleagues, friends, loved ones, children, etc everyone!

Self / God – How you feel about life, mortality, your body and your relationship with Ego and Enlightenment.

I help people who are feeling discomfort, dissatisfaction or disillusionment with one or more of these areas.

Do you have a coach myself?

Yes. I have a few. I have a book coach to help me with the writing and publication of my first book. I have a personal coach and I have a business coach. I attend a lot of seminars, workshops and CDP days as I believe 100% in walking my talk!!