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Coaching community in the spotlight - South East London

The Coaching Academy Blog

Posted: January 2015

Thanks to community leader Evadne Bygrave for sharing the key information about the group that she runs in South East London.

Thanks to community leader Evadne Bygrave for sharing the key information about the group that she runs in South East London.

What is the name of your coaching community?

SELCo; The South East London Coaching Community

Where do you meet?

Currently we meet at Mekan restaurant, Catford SE6 2TS.


When does the group meet?

Typically we meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month and start at 8pm.

What does a regular meeting look like?

It can be any number of things, but the common theme tends to be testimonials regarding successes, updates on previous actions and general motivational type feedback. We also have presentations by subject matter experts, and by other coaches on points of particular interest.

How many people attend?

It varies to quite a degree. There are around 25 members in total and attendance at any one meeting can be anything from 4 to around 22 in my experience.

What sort of people attend? (coaches in training/qualified coaches)

Trainee and qualified coaches of all levels. We have members that are practitioners with varied backgrounds. We also have graduates from TCA and other training organisations.

What makes your group different to others?

I’d imagine in some senses it’s quite typical, but there are quite a number of close bonds and lots of “off-line” interaction between members in pursuit of coaching excellence.

What would you say has been the best moment for the group?

I’d say there are many, some of the presentations by experts for example have been very informative. Presentations by coaches who apply a different framework to the TCA have also been insightful.

What benefits do you experience?

It makes me think more deeply about my coaching style, it’s great for experience sharing, acts as a sounding board and broadens my awareness of what’s “out there” in terms of coaching.

What benefits do you think the group members experience?

It’s encouraging, inspiring and motivational.

What’s the best thing about your group?

Probably the openness, willingness to share and the general enthusiasm about coaching.

If you want to find out more and join a future meeting then please contact Evadne Bygrave on evadnebygrave@btinternet.com 07530 377 850 – 07577 757 715

https://www.facebook.com/groups/selco.community/ http://www.coaching-communities.com/portfolio/catford/

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