The Coaching Academy Blog - 28 Oct 2014

Niche in the Spotlight - Coaching Lawyer Mums

We love to celebrate the success of our coaches many of whom are doing great work within fascinating niches. Today we are looking at working with Lawyer Mums and women in technology with Sherry Bevan.

1. What is your niche?

I work with lawyer mums and women in technology.

2. What made you decide on your niche?

Well my niche found me really. I have worked in technology in professional services and law firms all my working life; although I am not a lawyer, I am a mum. After my early days of chaotic and frantic motherhood, I went on to train and qualify as an NCT practitioner and now combine this with my coaching work. For three years, I worked as a part-time counsellor in my local health visiting service and have supported literally 100s of families in the early days of parenthood.

3. Why are you passionate about your niche?

There is so much pressure on working mums in our society. Being a working mum in a law firm AND in technology was not what I expected. I worked long hours, juggling work and family life. I knew there had to be a better way but often I was too exhausted to even think about finding that better way. I wanted to be very focussed when I was at work but I also wanted to have fun with my children when I was at home. I wanted to be the perfect mum and it took me a very long time, and two bouts of postnatal depression, to realise that being a good enough mum IS ‘good enough’. I want other women to have that knowledge too. Women in technology often lack self-confidence whereas I have an inner strength and confidence which I use to inspire and nurture women.

4. What sorts of challenges do you help people solve?

I help lawyer mums ditch the guilt and to find the work-family balance that is right for them. I show other mums how small changes can make a big difference and help them to understand that we don’t need to be perfect mums, and that we just need to stop and focus on what is most important to us about being a mum. With women in technology, their challenges tend to be around career and self-confidence working in a field that is quite often male-dominated. I work with them to be more assertive and more proactive in getting what they want.

5. What benefits do you see your clients get from coaching?

Clarity and focus. Clarity on what is most important and therefore what to focus on. If you know where you are going, it is so much easier and quicker to get there!

6. Where do you find your clients?

Word of mouth, referrals, networking in my legal and technology communities on LinkedIn, and social media.

7. How do you market yourself?

I write a blog, I use social media to engage, through networking and face-to-face opportunities, and starting to develop online products. From time to time, I offer free group coaching over the telephone.

8. What other services do you offer, if any, such as workshops or conferences?

I run workshops and just LOVE doing these. I am developing more of these. I offer DISC profiling too. I also run a Coaching Party evening – a bit like a Jamie Oliver or Ann Summers party. The host books me, and I go along for two hours to run some fun activities including group coaching and DISC profiling, with individualised party bags. The guests love this and I get such great feedback.

9. What other questions would you like me to ask you?

What do I most enjoy about my work?

I love the buzz that I feel inside when you can see a lightbulb moment happening for your client. There is nothing better than knowing that you have been a catalyst for change. It might only be a tiny change to me, but to the client it could be the start of something amazing.

Did your coaching niche find you or have you changed direction and followed a hobby or passion? Share your story with us.