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The Coaching Academy Blog - 07 Oct 2014
We love to celebrate the success of our coaches many of whom are doing great work within fascinating niches. Today we are looking at the coaching niche, helping managers to produce high performing and engaged teams with John Driscoll.
We love to celebrate the success of our coaches many of whom are doing great work within fascinating niches. Today we are looking at the coaching niche, helping managers to produce high performing and engaged teams with John Driscoll.
1. What is your niche?
My niche is Coaching managers of people in the ability to produce high performing and engaged teams
2. What made you decide on your niche?
I discovered a Coaching approach that made my decision easy, in that I provide a programme of support and development in businesses that has a measurable ROI. This makes the “Sale” easier and provides a start and end point.
3. Why are you passionate about your niche?
Because ultimately the work enters the world of changing hearts and minds to develop behaviours of managers that impact the culture in businesses, which in turn creates great places to work.
4. What sorts of challenges do you help people solve?
Awareness of how management styles impact people, disconnects between people, providing inspiration for teams, managers providing development help for their teams – PDP’s – Disciplinary and Performance improvement plans for underperformers, basic understanding of how to inspire teams.
5. What benefits do you see your clients get from coaching?
Confidence, clarity of direction, they achieve in areas where they tough it would be impossible, and they become better managers of people – so creating a positive impact in the lives of employees leading to a more profitable business.
6. Where do you find your clients?
By word of mouth and referral.
7. How do you market yourself?
I make sure the brand image I project is professional and consistene. I am just in the throws of remodelling my website and I have created a good presence on Linkedin. I keep in touch with people I have meet over the years – its easier to create opportunities for those who know you.
8. What other questions would you like me to ask you?
In what way has having a niche affected you?
Having a niche has given me a real confidence in promoting and talking about my business. Also because my “Niche” is directly related to good man management, it has created wonderful opportunities.
My Niche has enabled me to offer a programme not just Coaching, as such the impact of revenue has been significant.
Also my Niche has created much longer term clients, for example my main contract currently is with a global blue chip company and has been in place since 2011. Some 70 managers have been through the programme, some of whom are now on their 4th loop of coaching support.
With clarity around his niche John has been able to build a sound business model which in turn has generated many wonderful opportunities.
What are you passionate about? Could this be your coaching niche? Join the discussion on our Facebook page to let us know.
We run a number of free webinars from our Introduction to Life Coaching, to sessions covering coaching niches. The next of each of these webinars is displayed below.