The Coaching Academy Blog - 22 Jul 2014

Niche in the Spotlight: Accountants in the NHS

Today we talked to Chris Brown, to discuss his coaching niche helping finance professionals within the NHS. He talks about his passion for giving back to the industry, and how having credibility in his niche has helped him build a successful coaching business.

We love to celebrate the success of our coaches here at The Coaching Academy, many of whom are doing great work within particular niches.

Today we interviewed Chris Brown, to discuss his coaching niche helping finance professionals within the NHS. He talks about his passion for giving back, and how having credibility in his niche has helped him build his business.

What made you decide on your niche?

I was a Director of Finance/ Deputy Chief Executive in the NHS before taking early retirement in 2011. I feel that I have credibility within that niche and it is an area I am passionate about giving something back to.

Why are you passionate about your niche?

The NHS Finance network was very good to me throughout my career and I just want to improve the working lives of the people within it.

What sorts of challenges do you help people solve?

I coach and mentor both individuals and teams. For example, I work with new Finance Directors who want the security of support from an experienced FD.

I coach my clients on developing a winning strategy to further their careers. I help them with specific issues such as key professional relationship issues, presentations, job applications, confidence, handling themselves in meetings, limiting beliefs, work life balance, and many more. Even in the corporate world, people are people and the range of issues they can bring is huge. The above gives just a flavour.

How do you market yourself?

I keep in touch with professionals in NHS Finance, I have a website, I send a weekly blog to subscribers, I attend conferences, and I write in professional journals, and I also offer training courses.

What other services do you offer, if any, such as workshops or conferences?

I do presentations to audiences of accountants on NHS Finance and personal/ career development. I also do workshops on similar topics, and write in professional accountancy journals.

What other questions would you like me to ask you?

That’s a great coaching question!! The questions I would like you to ask me would be:

“Do I feel that I have made a good move in becoming a professional coach?”

The answer to that is “absolutely yes”. I work part-time, I have a portfolio career, I have more time for my family and friends, and get a real “buzz” out of helping my clients be the best that they can be. As such I feel that I am a good role model of work/ life balance.

“Do I have a coach myself?”

Yes I do, and I use my coach mainly to help me reflect on my coaching practice and help me get even better results for my clients. Coaches, like any other professionals, need to engage in continuing professional development and should role model such an approach to their clients.

With a passion to give back to an industry that gave him so much, and with an understanding of the problems of the clients he helps, Chris has found a niche that fulfils his passions, that helps to build a successful business and to lead a life that he wants.

What are you passionate about? Could this be your coaching nice? Join the discussion on our Facebook page to let us know.