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The Coaching Academy Blog - 14 May 2014
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried. Are you a perpetual procrastinator or do you make decisions that work for you, quite quickly? As you would have seen from last week's newsletter featuring Isabel Harward, our very first person to enrol on to the Personal Success Academy, we like to promote healthy decision making habits here and reward action!
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried. Are you a perpetual procrastinator or do you make decisions that work for you, quite quickly?
As you would have seen from last week’s blog post featuring Isabel Harward, our very first person to enrol on to the Personal Success Academy, we like to promote healthy decision making habits and reward actiion here at The Coaching Academy!
The fine line between success and failure depends upon the decisions we make, those we choose not to make, and how quickly and effectively we make them — every moment of every day.
Everybody has a process for making a decision — even though they may not realise it. Knowing when to “DO” and when to “DITCH” an idea or action lies at the heart of having the confidence to make things happen.
It is possible to develop a healthy decision-making habit so that you are able to make more effective decisions more quickly. Get the decision-making habit by:
• Remaining focused. Review your priorities daily. If you know what is most important to you, you will make decisions that focus on the more important outcomes
• Learning from your mistakes. Make sure you don’t make decisions that repeat past errors. • Not delaying. Take action. Do something today. If you feel tempted to delay making a decision, it is probably because you don’t feel you have all the information you need to decide right now.
• Taking advice. There is no need to make an impromptu decision; instead, take the decision to ask someone else to provide the information or the action that you need.
• Being flexible. Recognize that there is usually more than one ‘right way’ to do things. It will enable you to delegate decisions more freely.
• Being self-disciplined. Successful people are successful because they are willing to make difficult decisions and to take actions that are uncomfortable, in order to achieve the outcome they want.
At its core, making any kind of decision comes down to saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ — to an idea, an action, behaviour, or outcome.
If you are still yet to enrol as a member of Personal Success Academy there’s still time to become a founder member. You save £47 with no joining fee and it will always be only £9.97 a month.
Enrol today it could be a life changing decision!
“When I saw my weekly update from The Coaching Academy with news of The Personal Success Academy, I thought it looked great, the founder member offer looked great and I knew it would be useful to my own personal development so I signed up straight away” - Isabel Harward, Personal Success Winner
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