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The Coaching Academy Blog - 29 Apr 2014
Do you think that you are a confident person? Social psychologist Amy Ruddy argues that faking feeling confident can actually make you more confident. Here are our top tips for you to use to change your body language, to see if it can help you!
Do you think that you are a confident person?
Confidence can be complex- it can be a feeling or it can be a belief.
Some people say that you are either confident, or you just aren’t. But how much does this limiting belief hold you back from improving your self-confidence?
In your mind, what does a confident person look like? Perhaps the first thing you notice is their body language?
When people are confident, they tend to stand up straight, they have open postures, and they may open their arms and really use the space in which they are standing. When people have low confidence, they may tend to cross their arms, sit in a hunch, cross their legs, fiddle or keep their eyes down.
Can you force yourself to adopt a confident posture, in order to make yourself feel more confident?
Social psychologist Amy Cuddy (Harvard Business School) argues that “faking” feeling confident can actually make you more confident. She claims that simply by changing our body language to look more confident can actually make us feel more confident- even if in that moment, your mind-set is taking you more towards anxiety and self-doubt than confidence and power!
In fact, studies show that our body language actually physically changes the testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain- hormones that affect the way that we feel. What this could mean is that by practicing “power posing”(by standing in a confident posture) can affect our mind-set and make us feel more confident.
Could you try this for yourself?
Wishing you a brilliant, confident day!
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