The Coaching Academy Blog - 23 Apr 2014

Coach In The Spotlight - Tasmin Sabar

Deciding to go ahead with the programme was a big decision both in terms of the money and also pushing myself outside of my comfort zone but at the same time, I wasn't happy with my situation and I knew I wanted to make big changes. So, I relied on my instinct and the gut feeling that it was the right thing to do.

Student Stories

What brought you to coaching?

I was working in recruitment and had been for around 8 years. I felt stuck in a rut and didn’t feel that I was living up to my full potential. I came across the Coaching Academy’s 2 day course and went along primarily to learn something new but left the first day feeling highly energised and raring to go for the next day. I knew then I wanted to explore coaching further.

What were your original thoughts for applying the coaching?

Originally I thought of it in terms of just learning a new skill and applying it to what I was doing already. Actually deciding to go ahead with the programme was a big decision both in terms of the money and also pushing myself outside of my comfort zone but at the same time, I wasn’t happy with my situation and I knew I wanted to make big changes. So, I relied on my instinct and the gut feeling that it was the right thing to do.

What was your profession before becoming a coach?

I initially worked in the legal field as a trainee solicitor and thereafter in legal recruitment for around 10 years.

What did you find most interesting to learn?

I found all the learnings around values and beliefs both fascinating and eye opening. It made me think about my own belief system and how this was holding me back.

What was the most rewarding part of the training/journey?

The most rewarding part of the journey has been helping people to achieve results they never thought possible and seeing the effect this has had on them as a person.

Which bits did you enjoy the most?

I really benefited from the Accelerator days for the learning in a group environment, the opportunity to network with my peers, making lasting friendships, and also taking away lots of valuable tools and techniques to use with my clients.

How did the qualification slot in with your current life?

I had some big life changes to contend with whilst qualifying including getting married and moving to a new area. My husband and I also decided to do a lot of travelling in our first year of marriage so the best thing about the qualification was that it was flexible and I could complete it in my own time. I often packed a few of the recommended course texts to read on various plane journeys!.

What else did you have to consider whilst qualifying?

The main challenge initially was juggling a full time job, moving house and decorating the new place whilst ticking off some items on the travel bucket list. Things are more settled now and I have been focusing on my business and where I want to take it from here.

Where are you now? How are you using your coaching skills?

I use my coaching skills on a daily basis now applying them to all areas of my life. I have found that being a coach has enhanced all aspects of my life and opened me up to new ways of thinking.

What is your coaching niche and why did you choose it?

My coaching niche is career coaching and in particular, I work with professional women who are looking to shape a career that works for them. I chose this niche because this was in line with my background and I had pre-existing contacts in these sectors.

What is the best thing that could happen to your coaching business in the next 2 years?

Over the next couple of years, I am looking to develop my coaching business further and increase my client base to help more people. I will also be looking to enter into joint ventures and work with other coaches so it’s an exciting time.

What is your favorite coaching question?

My favourite is “what else?” It never ceases to amaze me how much extra these two words can bring to a coaching session.

What do you enjoy most about being a coach?

What I love most about coaching is the effect it has on you as a person. It compels you to become a certain person, the best version of yourself. I also never get tired of helping people to get the best out of themselves and push themselves to achieve breakthroughs and results they never thought possible.

What are your top tips for:

People who are looking at coaching?

For anyone looking to train as a coach, a good starting point is to attend the 2 day certificate course to experience coaching for yourself.

Those coaches currently in training?
Keep on top of your learning record sheet as, not only does this break down the work and make it more manageable, it allows you to track your own journey and measure your own learnings and development.

Book your first practical session in once you have got around 10 sessions under your belt as this will give you a taste for being assessed and the feedback is invaluable.

Join a coaching community in your area for the networking opportunities and interaction with other coaches in between accelerator days.

Coaches that are about to qualify?

Give yourself a pat on the back and congratulate yourself on your achievement. Think about what is next and what you want to do with your new qualification. If you haven’t worked with a coach already, this is a good point to do it. It will help you get greater clarity and save you time in the long run.

People that are in a similar situation to yourself?

Keep learning and developing and adding to your tool kit. Ask yourself after each session “What went well? What would I do differently? Learn from each and every session but don’t beat yourself up if everything didn’t go as you would ideally like – just take the learning and be better next time.