The Coaching Academy Blog - 25 Feb 2014

Top Tips For Those Studying To Become A Coach

Calling all Coaching Academy students! If you've ever asked yourself, what is the most effective way of getting through my qualification? then Deepti Goyal has been there, done that and has put together some top tips for you.

If you've ever asked yourself any of these –

• What is the most effective way of getting through my qualification?

• How do I balance my qualification with everything else in my life? 

• How do I ensure that I make the most of the resources available to me including time and energy?

• How can I make this process easy, enjoyable and manageable?

Then please read on -

My name is Deepti Goyal and I have from The Coaching Academy, gained with Distinction, the Life Coaching Diploma and Youth Diplomas as well as completed the CPD Programme. I have been running The Middlesex and Hertfordshire Coaching Community for over three years and would like to share with you, ‘my top 10 tips for those studying to qualify as a coach’.

Top 10 tips for those studying to qualify as a coach

1. Have a system for all the elements of qualification. Following a system will keep you on track. We all know that life happens. This system with help you get back on track when life happens.

2. Don’t leave answering the questions till the last moment after you’ve done the PDJ. Start answering the questions from day one and keep adding to and modifying the answers as your knowledge and experience grows.

3. Have a system to prepare yourself a few minutes before each coaching session even if your session is with a coaching buddy. Examples of preparation include deep breathing, visualisation, forming connection, going over previous Learning Record Sheets, etc.

4. At the end of each session, fill in the ‘Learning Record Sheet’ with what went well, what could have been done better from your perspective and the client’s feedback, your learning points and then set your goals and intentions for the next coaching session.

5. After each coaching session, have a copy of the competencies checklist at hand. Tick the competencies that you covered during that session and make a record of the ones you didn’t. Include the ones you didn’t cover in your goals for the next session.

6. Over a few sessions, notice if it is the same competencies which are added to your goals again and again (this might not be the case). This can prove to be an excellent measure of your progress on your coaching skills.

7. Record all relevant thoughts you have, books you read, conversations you have, people you meet, events you attend, activities you do, games you play, tools you use and places you go. As you will be rapidly ‘growing’ everyday while studying to be a Coach, you never know which bit you might want to mention as evidence of your growth and development in your paperwork.

8. Remember the golden rule - think on paper. Watch out for your thoughts. Notice what you notice. Observe your observations. Do this in your everyday conversations. Write down your thoughts and observations. Again you might start noticing certain patterns of behaviour in thought and action. Within yourself and others which could give you valuable information. You could use this information to help you achieve your goals, specifically your qualification and generally your personal growth goals.

9. If you are going to be running workshops as a part of your coaching portfolio, why not run a workshop or two while studying for your Coaching diploma. You could choose to include this workshop as a part of your required number of coaching sessions in your PDJ. Make sure to include the feedback you get from the attendees.

10. You might be doing your qualification while in full or part time employment, or you might be balancing motherhood and/or family responsibilities with your qualification. You can make it easier by finding a buddy, joining a coaching group, getting your own coach and finding a wing to climb under.

Above all, whatever you do trust the process and enjoy your journey of growth and development. After all it’s not just about the result, it’s what you become in the process.

I wish you all the very best in your qualification and beyond. Remember this is just the beginning!

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort”. - Paul J. Meyer