The Coaching Academy Blog - 14 Jan 2014

Setting Up A Coaching Business? - Ask Bev James!

As my role as Managing Director of The Coaching Academy and Director of Mentoring for Start Up Loans, I often get asked questions on how to run and build a business. I know first-hand, what it is like to train as a Coach and set up a coaching business from scratch and i want to share my knowledge with you.

As my role as Managing Director of The Coaching Academy and Director of Mentoring for Start Up Loans, I often get asked questions on how to run and build a business.

I know first-hand, what it is like to train as a Coach and set up a coaching business from scratch. To this day I can still remember the buzz of excitement having secured my very first client.

I’m also fortunate enough to know what it is like to run several successful businesses, which is exactly why I want to pass my experience and knowledge on to others.

Ask Bev!

I am on a mission to encourage more people in the coaching profession to think of themselves as business owners as well as caring professionals.

I want to help you to successfully set up your coaching business by sharing my knowledge.

If you have a question about setting up a coaching business then I want to hear from you!

From how to choose a name for your business, how to identify a coaching niche, or how to get clients – no questions are too big or too small and the more the merrier (no more than approximately 50 words per question is an ideal, succinct question).

Send your questions to the email address below and I will endeavour to answer as many as possible.  

Ask Bev at -

Look forward to hearing from you
