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The Coaching Academy Blog - 17 Oct 2013
DO IT! OR DITCH IT – 8 Steps to Business Success, written by Bev James, is already receiving rave reviews just one week after publication. We love to share positive news here on the blog so do read on to find out what all the fuss is about.
DO IT! OR DITCH IT – 8 Steps to Business Success, written by Bev James, is already receiving rave reviews just one week after publication. We love to share positive news here on the blog so do read on to find out what all the fuss is about:
“If you are serious about being the best, take head of Bev’s advice and you too could have success you’ve so far only dreamt of” – Pam Lidford, Personal Performance Trainer and Coach
“As a business expert and turnaround specialist for a new generation of millionaires, Bev understands how business leaders think and why they behave the way they do” – Emma Wimhurst, Author of BOOM!
“Sometimes a book comes along that you pick up and can’t put down because of the great business sense it offers. Bev James has written such a book…the boost you know you need, right NOW!” – Ann Skidmore, Award-Winning Image & Leadership Coach
“I have witnessed Bev’s Pragmatic, insightful and inspiring business coaching style and quality, first hand for many years. She has now skilfully crystallized all of that into DO IT! OR DITCH IT” – Greg Brown, Managing Director and Executive Coach, GB Executive Solutions Ltd
“When an influential business woman such as Bev James commits her expert knowledge to paper, the rest of us need to take note of every word. From title to final sentence, this book is crammed full of useful and inspiring material all delivered in her passionate but practical and no-nonsense way” – Tim O’Rahilly, Business Coach and Education Consultant
“Accessible and informative. Bev’s energy for getting things done is infectious” – Nikki Wild, Managing Director, Wild Empowerment Ltd
“If you want to turn your ideas in to action and ensure more business success, Do It! Or Ditch It moves you forward with inspiration – highly recommended. Let it inspire you to take your business success to the highest level” – Maria Deacon-Viney, Chartered FCIPD, Remarkable Success Coaching and Consulting
“If you are looking for a one-stop-shop in a book which will help you devote to the important things in life and business in order to move yourself forward then you have found it in DO IT! OR DITCH IT” – Placida Acheru, Business Transformation Coach
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