The Coaching Academy Blog - 03 Sep 2013

Coach In The Spotlight - Christene Burgess

What brings our coaches to the world of coaching and what becomes of them after they've officially graduated and become a professional qualified coach? These are some of the questions answered in our regular Coach In The Spotlight story and here's Christene Burgess for you.

Student Stories

What brought you to coaching?

Curiosity and caring to know the best in people made me explore coaching as a pathway into fulfilling human potential, self-mastery and excellence. It’s gratifying as it embodies values: Living creatively with integrity, vision and accountability. I was encouraged by the parallels between sports coaching and the business world made apparent to me via Sir John Whitmore.

Coaching transforms the lives of individuals and ‘communities’ and I love to realise that a compelling why generates the how to.

Where I tended to see someone as ‘a complete natural’ (gifted with ability/confidence), I grew to realise our preparation, nervousness and courage can perform miracles! In getting to know people who felt they were stuck with failures, trauma, fears…and my own insecurities, we all wanted better. And in sharing and applying what I learned from coaching, I grew inspired knowing lives can be transformed. These tools are life-changing!

What were your original thoughts for applying coaching?

Originally, only counseling was offered in my work as an Employee Assistance Programme [EAP] provider. Eventually, coaching proved ideal for individuals (with a strong work-ethic) in the corporate and healthcare sectors wanting to branch out (into creating their own, fulfilling business) or to advance in their career.

Questions of work-life balance, motivation, re-location, retirement and quality of life were pivotal. And whilst I was a mentor to an adolescent at risk of exclusion from school it was my coaching-training that offered the tools to negotiate, reach goals and nurture appreciable life-skills. 

What was your profession before becoming a coach?

My training in Psychosynthesis Counselling and Therapy, Yoga, meditation and Complementary Healthcare opened up whole new professional pathways as a provider of staff wellbeing and EAP services. My corporate background is the BBC.

What did you find most interesting to learn?

Everyone is unique yet there’s more that connects humanity than separates us, we can nurture qualities, resources and take responsibility.

I learnt the distinctions between "being" versus "doing" and "feelings as feedback" versus "fact"! The power of the mind, attitudes, beliefs and intention and defining "success".

What was the most rewarding part of the training/journey?

It’s continuously rewarding. Investing in the coaching training, completing the assignments, receiving the diploma and the experiences shared and transformed along the way…treasure!

What bits did you enjoy the most?

Signing up and doing the course with a friend (one of many enriching shared life-experiences), people finding their passion for life, immersing myself into coaching and the positive energy we can generate.

What else did you have to consider whilst qualifying?

Being self-employed made me appreciate the choices and freedom my situation offered, and being with positively motivated people - clients and colleagues. I considered myself fortunate in my work (with Psychosynthesis) and qualifying in coaching, being aware that many people are unhappy in their job or life. Still, walking my talk meant structuring my time to study, socialise and up-keep my income/work. As therapists, we’d say ‘the success of our job is to make ourselves redundant’. Accomplishment takes responsibility and takes nothing for granted.

What is your coaching niche and why did you choose it?

My niche is Mindfulness-based Coaching with people in a leadership/management roles within the healthcare or aid-work sectors. Those who want to fulfill their responsibilities, goals and growth with (encouraging) well-being and resourcefulness.

This niche resonates with my background and people wanting to create values-based, ethical relationships in and outside of ones workplace (even a legacy).

What is the best thing that could happen to your coaching business in the next 2 years?

The continued satisfaction of people thriving through my coaching and generating online resources so the business is systemised and monetised so I have financial freedom and work is fun and creative! My existing clients and schedule enables me to work in lovely locations (I can get winter sun!) so I would also like that to continue.

What is your favourite coaching question?

What’s stopping you? What other possibilities are there?

What do you enjoy most about being a coach?

Melting moments where we surpass ourselves and where life is positively changed. There's embodiment and momentum in coaching. We’re inviting creative possibility and celebrating transformation and growth. 

What are your tips for other Coaches currently in training?

Remember what attracted you to the coaching training, fan the flame and enjoy the process!

Coaches that are about to qualify?

Receive your qualification with pleasure…enjoy and share your gifts (it all multiplies with use)!

People who are in a similar situation to myself?

An inviting question and space works miracles.