The Coaching Academy Blog - 23 Apr 2013

Trainer In The Spotlight - Jacky Leonard

It's time to shine the light on another one of our fantastic trainers. Hand-picked from the cream of the UK's finest coaches and all with a wealth of experience and qualifications, we are incredibly proud of our team. We grabbed some time with Jacky Leonard for your reading pleasure.

What were you most proud of from last year?

There have been a few, so I’ll give you 2…

Professionally – I completed a CIPD qualification and am now a Chartered Member of the CIPD. Although I’m not big on qualifications or initials after your name, I found this an interesting journey.

Personally – I’m a closet poet and after becoming involved with a writers group in Cheltenham, I decided to create a Blog to get my get my literary offerings out on the World Wide Web.

What’s your main objective in 2013?

To complete my first book.

If you want to attract more clients, I recommend...

Networking with your target audience.

My best advice for marketing your coaching business is…

Collect business cards, create a database and send people interesting, stimulating and above all, useful information.

You may be surprised to know that…

I volunteer as a Team Manager for Badminton Wales

My favourite self-development book is...

There are so many… If I have to pick just one …Influence, Science and Practise by Dr Robert Cialdini

The most inspiring speaker I have ever heard is...

Again, so many… I attended a conference as a trainer a couple of years ago and had the great pleasure of meeting and listening to the inspirational Reverend Ruth Scott, the guest speaker that evening.

If I was alone on a desert island, I would need to have (3 luxuries that don’t include family members, pets or friends)…

• My iPod – I love music and have a pretty eclectic taste

• My Swiss army knife – ever the pragmatist!

• A memory foam mattress – my days of sleeping on the floor are mostly behind me!

My favourite place in the world is…

Do I have to pick just the one? :) Snowdonia National Park – wherever I roam, Wales is still my spiritual home.

The most unusual thing I have ever done is…

Deliver a training session in a male changing room!

My definition of success is…

Doing the things you love and loving the things you do.

The thing I most love about coaching is…

The potential of making a positive contribution, however small, to someone else’s life story.