The Coaching Academy Blog - 30 Apr 2013

Trainer In The Spotlight - Duncan Gee

It's time to meet our 3rd Trainer in the Spotlight for this year. Carefully selected from the finest pool of UK coaches, this week we bring you Duncan Gee. Duncan is a Coaching Academy trainer on our Youth Impact Coaching Diploma. Read his Spotlight feature here.

It’s time to meet our 3rd Trainer in the Spotlight for this year. Carefully selected from the finest pool of UK coaches, this week we bring you Duncan Gee. Duncan is a Coaching Academy trainer on our Youth Impact Coaching Diploma. Read his Spotlight feature here...

What were you most proud of from 2012?

It’s a sad point I gave a eulogy at my mother’s funeral I managed to pull it off without the emotion till later then blubbered like a baby after. During the eulogy everyone was doubled up laughing - even the vicar. Two strangers came to me after that knew my mother and wanted to book me in advance for theirs????

What’s your main objective for 2013?

Growing mine and my wife’s business to a state where we run the business not the business running us.

If you want to attract more clients, I recommend…

That you are authentic in every part of your life and actually do what you say you’re going to do procrastination does not exist following that hyphosis walk your talk

My best advice for marketing your coaching business is…

Ask for recommendations and referrals some people are too scared to ask word of mouth is the best recommendation in growing any business.

You may be surprised to know that…

I can cook, vacuum and iron, I don’t need a Sat Nav and I don’t walk around with a phone strapped to my ear!

My favourite self-development book is...

Shut up stop whining and get a life by Barry Winget. No nonsense stuff.

The most inspiring speaker I have ever heard is...

I have heard a lot of inspiring speakers all have a right to be mentioned if I had to mention one it would be Simon Weston, OBE.

If I was alone on a desert island, I would need to have (three luxuries that don’t include family members, pets or friends) with me...

Champagne, ice box and a Duvet

My favourite place in the world is…

Thailand the people are fantastic

The most unusual thing I have ever done is…

I’ve done a lot of unusual things most of them I can’t talk about, once climbed the outside of a 200ft chimney to talk a lad down that was threatening to jump had to be rescued myself my introduction to vertigo

My definition of success is...

Being happy that you have achieved what you want to achieve and you had your ladder against the right wall all the time rather than realising when you got there it was up against the wrong wall

The thing I most love about coaching is...

Seeing people move from where they are now to where they want to be is a fantastic moment. The smile on their face makes it all worthwhile.