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12 Cs of Conscious Creation - Making The World A Better Place - Dee Harding

The Coaching Academy Blog

Posted: November 2012

You are continually creating your own reality. At this crucial time in the world it is more important than ever to consciously choose to create a better reality – for yourself and for the world.

‘The living picture of the world grows within the mind. The world as it appears to you is like a living three dimensional painting in which each individual takes a hand. Each colour, each line that appears within it has first been painted within a mind, only then does it materialise without’ – Seth Roberts

You are continually creating your own reality. At this crucial time in the world it is more important than ever to consciously choose to create a better reality – for yourself and for the world.

A better world – 12 ‘Cs’ of Conscious Creation

1. Clarity - get clear about what you really want

2. Choice - make an empowering choice to take responsibility for your life and for your world

3. Connect - to your heart intelligence it always knows what is best

4. Challenge - face your fears and play a bigger game

5. Courage - step out of your comfort zone into a world of endless possibilities

6. Change - change your thinking change your life

7. Commitment - commit to action and follow it through

8. Courage - do what it takes in the face of all adversity

9. Can Do - have a ‘can do’ attitude - believe it to achieve it

10. Connect - be guided by and connect to your inner wisdom

11. Create - create a better world

12. Cheers - to you for doing what it takes

‘Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve’ Napoleon Hill

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