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The Coaching Academy Blog - 04 Sep 2012
Have you been checking out the weekly Virtual Seminars/Webinars from The Coaching Academy? Since September 2005, The Coaching Academy have run Virtual Seminars every other week during which experts in a whole variety of different areas of interest to coaches have been interviewed.
Have you been checking out the weekly Virtual Seminars/Webinars from The Coaching Academy? Since September 2005, The Coaching Academy have run Virtual Seminars every other week during which experts in a whole variety of different areas of interest to coaches have been interviewed.
Topic areas ranging from the usual suspects (Confidence, Finance, Relationships, Health, and Spirituality), the complimentary (NLP, Clean Language, Energy, Cognitive Behavioural and Assertiveness), to the slightly more unusual (Meta-Medicine, Coaching with Astrology) and interviews with The Coaching Academy’s Trainers and Assessment Team on how complete your Professional Development Journal, ace your Corporate Thesis and breeze through your Practical Assessments. In April of this year we introduced the Audio Webinars to answer many of the questions the Mentoring/Supervision Team at The Coaching Academy were receiving from students in training.
So these run on weeks between the Virtual Seminars and are specifically designed to support a student’s learning as a coach – however make no mistake – there are plenty of qualified coaches out there who would do well to take a look at some of the Webinars. Webinars to date include subjects like
• Starting your Coaching Diploma
• Getting Back on Track
• Dealing with Decision-Based Goals
• Using the Wheel of Life
• What is an Intake Session?
• What happens if my client asks me for advice?
The beauty of the webinar is that not only is it audio (via the telephone) but also listeners can simultaneously access the information online via a screen-share with the tutor – so you may be taken through a slide-show presentation, or you can see first-hand where to find things on the Members’ Area of the website.
Remember the late, great Stephen Covey’s 7th Habit of Highly Effective People was ‘Sharpen the Saw’ The Coaches out there who are doing fantastic things, making a massive difference and achieving their coaching goals – are those who are taking advantage of all of the resources available to them – including as much additional information, learning and development around the subject of coaching that they can get their hands on.
Start sharpening your coaching saw and logon to the TCA Members’ Area and in the ‘Resources Library’ section you can access the Virtual Seminar and Audio Webinar details here:
• Find out HOW to access the Seminars and Webinars LIVE (fantastic opportunity to pick the brains of successful coaches!) • See the forthcoming agenda for both Seminars and Webinars
• Download previous Virtual Seminars and Webinars that you may have missed.
Go on then! What are you waiting for?
We run a number of free webinars from our Introduction to Life Coaching, to sessions covering coaching niches. The next of each of these webinars is displayed below.