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Coach in the Spotlight - Gabriela Radu

The Coaching Academy Blog

Posted: May 2017

It's been almost two years since I started my Coaching Journey with The Coaching Academy, and here I stand, transformed.

I was privileged to start my Life Coaching Diploma course with TCA in May 2015. I knew I wanted to get certified in order to have the door opening towards the manifestation of my life purpose and mission: to help people reach their highest potential in all fields of life, to help them thrive and live fulfilled lives.

I have been on a self-development and spiritual path for the last 12 years, yet none of the techniques and tools I had used before managed to bring such a practical and real shift into my life. For me coaching is a playful, positive and sharp wizard that does his magic on you without you even realizing it.

How does Coaching work? When I started the Life Coaching Diploma course, I thought I knew. The theory did not seem like anything new: I just had to ask the right questions, listen and be empathetic, which came naturally to me anyway. So, I thought ‘that’s easy’. At the same time, secretly, I was very curious about how this was going to transform my life, since I ‘already knew everything’ and I had been working on my goals all my adult life.

Up to that point, I knew that it is hard work, focus and consistency that you need to achieve your goals. At the same time, being honest to myself, although I hadn't given up, I knew some of my biggest dreams I still hadn't been able to fulfil.

I soon started to coach as part of my learning and development journey, and I was amazed at the powerful results of a single coaching session. I was wondering what it was: it couldn't have been just the focusing questions. I was fascinated by finding out what it was that made the difference, what else was there besides everything I knew that really made people change their lives and accomplish the dreams they have never even dared to dream.

Having been honoured to coach more and more people, of diverse cultures and backgrounds, and suddenly being able to realise some of my biggest dreams, I can say I am starting to understand: for me it is the BELIEF that makes all the difference. We all have goals, whether we name them DREAMS or not, or whether we check if they are SMART or not. Some of us even start taking actions towards them only to be soon disappointed at the fact that nothing moves, nothing changes. How many people do you know who keep on applying to jobs and going to interviews, yet they remain stuck in the job they hate? Or how many people do you know who go on dates hoping to find the special one, only to meet the same type of people whom they are not happy with?

From all the key points of how Coaching really works, BELIEF is the strongest and most outstanding for me. When we have a goal, no matter how SMART it is, no matter how much consistent action we take towards it, if we don't believe that the result is possible for us, that we deserve it, we won’t be able to achieve it. It will be our belief system that stays in the way of our actions and dreams. However, if we do believe that it is possible, all our actions will be fueled by that belief. When we open up to that possibility, the possibility opens up for us. When we start believing, we will start meeting people who have fulfilled similar dreams. If we always dream of having a blue car and we do not even believe blue cars exist, there are very slight chances for us to get a blue car; when we start believing, first we will start seeing blue cars everywhere, then we will meet people who have blue cars, and then we will meet somebody who is selling a blue car, and eventually, we will have our own blue car.

Besides, imagine the power of manifesting your dreams when not doing so is not an option. I have also learnt that when we have that strong belief, we can stay very focused, and won’t be side-tracked to take any other action driven by ‘what if’ beliefs and doubts. It’s just amazing, and I can’t stop being surprised by the power of belief and the magic it can bring to our lives.

Having caught this invisible thread of coaching, I now feel empowered to empower others, and I keep Henry Ford’s finding as my own: ‘Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t - you are right’.

If Gabriela’s words have inspired you and you feel that Coaching could be a potential full or part time opportunity for you, or if you would just like to know a little more about what Coaching is and how it can benefit you and the lives of others, please contact our Specialist Course Advisor, Jamil on 0208 996 4830 or email: Jamil@the-coaching-academy.com.

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